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Old 10-17-2021, 09:53 PM   #67 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hope Archard
Fifth Year

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
....POETRY! And ASTRONOMY! So she hoped Violet didn't mind those things. She paused with the singing for a bit. "I think it's working. Try making the light a tiny bit brighter. But just a tiny bit." The plant looked like it liked the light! "I wonder if this plant likes music, poetry, or reading books. Or... stargazing. I bet it likes stargazing." She smiled a bit as she imagined the plant having hobbies just like a person or a cat. Then she picked up the singing again. "You can keep the flower perfume stuff."
Violet suppressed a snort when Ashley mentioned the plant reading books, because she knew now that Ashley was sensitive about people maybe making fun of her. But Violet didn't see how a plant could read without eyes, even if it wanted to. But she did pay attention to Ashley's suggestion to ramp up the light and did so, just a little.

Flower perfume? What was she talking about? ... Oh, yes, that was what they were ultimately doing in this class, wasn't it? Violet never used perfume herself, not even that bottle of violet oil she'd gotten for Yule one year, her 'signature scent,' as the distant cousin who gave it to her had called it. Whatever that was. Mostly, perfume seemed to attract insects, especially the biting kind, which was very awkward if you were hiding in the bushes trying to hear what one of your uncles was saying about you to the other. Still, perfume was a sort of potion, she supposed, so maybe she could find a use for it--maybe give it to someone else for a gift.
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