~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Mayaaa! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by iBeJenn She slowly slid her textbooks a little bit off to the side to clear a little more space for herself to work. Not that it really took all that much space but it was nice just in case it was needed. Plus, Maya didn't want the books to get in Claudine's way. "Would you show me when you're finished?" she asked the seventh year. Maya always loved to see the older girl's creations and sometimes found inspiration in them to make something different.
She flipped over her paper, revealing the white side and started her creasing. Maya looked up at Claudine's question and gave her a smile and nod. "I'm trying to make the squid for my brother, Evan... to give to his friend, Kinsay," Maya explained. "I've also been trying to animate them... make them make sounds..."
Which had been a bit tricky but she was determined to get it all done by Christmas. “Of course,” Claudine responded, always happy to share her work with those who were interested. Especially if that person was an artist as well. That way they could always critique each other’s work and offer suggestions. Not Claudine’s work was so bad that she needed help. The same went for Maya; Claudine thought highly of the other girl’s artistic skills.
Said artistic skills expanded to origami. “Ooh, that sounds so interesting,” Claudine said, her interest piqued. “Um… would you mind teaching me along the way? Origami always seemed like such a fun thing.” Not to mention difficult, but she liked challenges. |