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Old 10-06-2021, 09:08 PM   #36 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Freddy Zimmer
Seventh Year
*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO!

SPOILER!!: replies
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Had she been taken aback at the latter remark from Flamsteed? No. In fact, Claudine appreciated the humour. She had simply grinned at the woman before heading off. From her position, she was able to see all the others as they arrived. Claudine lifted a hand in greeting to Serena and Violet. And there was Heath. “Hi, you. I thought you might get distracted by the evening sky,’’ Claudine teased. But the boyfriend had made it in time for the lesson so that didn't seemed to have happened.

Time to get started. The Snakette trusted that it was indeed going to be a good lesson. She tugged the Ravenclaw scarf closer about her neck and shoulders. So. Flowers which bloom at nights. That would explain the timing of this current lesson.

Claudine raised a hand after racking her brain for what she knew on the topic. “There’s one called the Moonflower. Though they open late in the afternoon, they can open earlier if there’s cloudy weather around.” Had she gotten that right? Claudine thought so. In any case, it made sense that the moonflower be tricked into thinking it was evening if there was inclement weather around.
June wasn't surprised when Claudine spoke up, she was always one of the firsts to do so. "Mhm. Right you are, Miss Blaze. Moonflowers are a great example for night blooms."

Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
Violet raised her hand almost immediately. "Evening primrose," she said, "and it's a beautiful yellow flower." Kind of like a nocturnal daffodil, she'd always thought.
Another brilliant answer. "Correct, Miss Blackthorne"

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Things known about flowers that bloomed at night, huh? He could hear most people naming different types of flowers, and there was another he could think of, but given the question had been asked as a generalization, Evan decided to offer one in return. He raised his hand and waited to be called on in order to offer anything. "Most people assume night blooming flowers hate light, so people will try to recreate their growth in dark dungeons or corners. But truthfully the nocturnal plants just find sunlight too harsh and like the softer hues of the moon. So while you can grow nocturnal plants in darkened greenhouses or somewhere else, they will not grow successfully unless given some form of a softer light." Magic was the easiest way to recreate this, but he didn't know the exact spells that would be needed for that.
This answer though - brought about a smile on her face. And it was definitely more of what she was looking for, "Excellent observation, Mr Nam"

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
There was something kind of cool about night classes and while some of her classmates might not be suited for big thinking after dark, Cece Summers always had a hard time turning her brain off at night, so this was perfect for her. Her thinking cap was most definitely ON.

”I think the flowers bloom at night so they attract the right audience, too. You know, like the right bugs they need for pollination.” At least that’s what she’d read. She was trying to do Cappi proud with all this Herbology stuff, had she mentioned that?

The smile of hers only grew further as the seventh year chimed in, which June appreciated with a nod - "Right you are, Miss Summers." Honestly why was there a need for June to teach them when they had such a great know-how already?

Originally Posted by iBeJenn View Post
Maya stuck her gloved hands into her pocket, holding the handwarmers that had been resting in her pocket. Ah... warmth. She smiled at her siblings and Claudine as they entered. Right as the professor asked her first question, Maya was tempted to pinch her cheeks to feel a little more warmth there too. She mentally debated placing the handwarmers there but didn't want to look absolutely ridiculous so kept them in her pockets.

"Some plants are very sensitive to light so that's why they bloom at night... anything too harsh and it could cause them to wilt," Maya offered. "There's also Devil's Snare which isn't a flower... but they're not fond of bright light either and rather dangerous."
Ahhh. This was now finally getting interesting.

"An excellent point, Miss Nam." And this one was from her own house - so yes, very very good indeed.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
And just like that, Jordyn had gotten off on the wrong foot. With a sigh, she donned her missing layers and tried to become invisible. The Hufflepuff was feeling just a little bit of pressure to do well in this class. Herbology wasn’t exactly her thing, but when you have a parent in the field, you kind of don’t want to embarrass them with poor grades.

Before Jordyn had time to dwell on that thought any longer, class began. The professor wasted no time asking the first question. Raising her hand, she gave the first fun fact she could think of. ”Flowers that bloom at night often have a sweet smell and I think that is to attract insects that will pollinate them.”. Yes? Right? Hopefully her answer wasn’t mistake number two of the night..
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Valentina raised her eyebrows, feeling slightly surprised. "Yes, Professor. Sleepy too." She responded with a little smile. Had it been really that obvious?? But hopefully, class would be done soon. Ish.

"Flowers that bloom at night smell way more nice than the ones that bloom during the day.. right??"
Wrong foot? What wrong foot?

June was all smiles as the hufflepuff gave her answer, which was similar to what Valentina offered too. "Right you both are, Miss Guldry, Miss Nichols"

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
She noted the small smile Daniel offered her and she returned one to him. See? Daniel and her WERE friends. There was no doubt in her mind. Her smile grew larger when Serena stopped by but faulted at the interaction between Serena and Daniel. Well… well… Her eyes flicked back and forth between Daniel and Serena. “It’s a nickname… Uh… He introduced himself to V as Batman when they first met…” she explained quietly before biting her lip once more. Lisa was sad that most of her friends preferred V to Daniel because Daniel really wasn’t as bad as everyone thought. Both of them had their pros and cons. V was a friend-rival half the time… Lisa unfortunately always found a reason to compete with her unlike Daniel who was just… Daniel.

She didn’t realize she was holding her breath until after class started. “Most night flowers are pale in colour like the Moon one that Claudine mentioned… Also! There are some flowers that only bloom on certain nights too,” she explained. Like the one in the Muggle film based in Singapore about super wealthy people…. She had even looked up the movie afterwards to fact check and it was… surprisingly a thing.
Ding ding ding.

June practically beamed - more from excitement than anything else.

"Correct, Miss Nam" This one from the Nam clan was slowly becoming one of June's favourites. Did she know? If not, she'd make it obvious eventually.

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Night flowers were cool and all, but it was something that Maya, Evan's sister, said that caught Kinsay's attention instead. Without thinking much of it, her hand shot straight into the air. "Is it so angry because it's called the Devil's Snare OR is it called the Devil's Snare because it's so angry?"

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Anyway. What was Professor F's original question again? Kins was busy thinking about the danger plant.
As expected, Kinsay James went the other direction.

"the latter I believe" she simply replied before moving on.

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Dos Santos? "Whatever" Daniel looked away from Serena after she had corrected him. He then listened as Lisa began to explain why he had the Batman nickname and he wondered why she had even bothered.

Had the Slytherin said those words out loud, Daniel would have hexed her without a second hesitation. But lucky for her, the Hufflepuff could not read minds and was clueless. He didn't even acknowledge her 'Half Batman' comment because it was at this time that the Professor had moved to stand in the middle of the room.

"They have a lighter colour scheme so that they can better attract moths" he answered.
A repeat but June would take it.

"Correct, Mr Yoon"

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath nearly burst into a fit of laughter at Claudine’s teasing, but he stifled it just in time by pretending to cough. “Who’s to say I won’t?” he teased back. Before he could say more, the lesson began, and he turned his attention to Professor Flamsteed. So, night blooming plants… he supposed he should've seen that coming, and in a way he did. His guess about nocturnal plants wasn’t too far off!

As he considered the question, his gaze randomly wandered to the sky, and a thought occurred to him. He vaguely recalled reading about a night-blooming flower with “star” in the name somewhere. What was that flower called again? His hand went up, and he said, “There’s a night-blooming plant called the Ten-petal Blazing Star. It has white flowers that open in the evening and close in the morning.”
"Mhm, right you are, Mr Jones. It is quiet stunning to see too" June added with a nod.

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
So Bella had been right on the topic of the lesson, without even guessing. That was a little cool she had to admit to herself. Raising her hand to answer Prof Junes question she said. "There is the datura or more commonly known as the devil's trumpet. It's a highly poisonous flower, but still a very beautiful plant with trumpet shaped blossoms that bloom at night and it comes in shades of pink, purple, yellow and white. It's a beautiful addition to any garden but you should keep your pet's away from it." To be poisoned by a garden plant wasn't something that Bella wished upon anyone.
"Ah, yes. The devil's trumpet -- beautiful but deadly" June nodded, her hands moving to her back. "Notable mention indeed, Miss Connolly"

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Wow....that Mr. Flamsteed sent a worse chill up and down his spine than the chilly night breeze - and not just because he had ties two scarves together to make a super scarf. As for his brother...well....he had TRIED to wake him up but no dice. The last time that had happened had been when Atlas had practiced his Aguamenti on Aries and, well, the bed had been soggy and the water had splashed over to his own bed and it had just been a mess. He was pretty sure Apollo had not noticed the puddle near his bed that had also crept towards his trunk either so....anyway...

Trying not to destroy anymore school property here. Atlas truly was doing the school a service with his restraint.

But he also really did not want to just throw Aries under the Knight Bus either so...time for some quick thinking.

"He wasn't feeling well, he stayed behind with some tea and was going to see the healer," he explained while giving juuuuuuuuust enough details to make it believable. He had plenty of prank objects in his trunk that they could use to fake an illness too so...he would be shoving those down Aries' throat once he returned to the dorms. "I'm the better note taker and have the superior memory between the pair of us anyway so I'll lend him my notes later."

Tugging on his scarf a bit and rocking back on his heels. He really wanted to tune out and just fiddle with device in his pocket...but now he had to cover for Aries and actually participate. He brother wasn't even HERE and his plans were being ruined. Temporarily, at least. "Many are tied to the phase of the moon, like the Norandola whose pollen can really only be used when harvested in the evening of a full moon...and the one she mentioned..." Ah yes, his signature pointing towards Claudine. "...only bloom during a full moon ...and there is a thing called moon gardening where the gravitational pull of the moon is said to impact moisture in the soil and leaf movements and stuff. Which isn't really specific to night since the moon is a constant part of the sky, day or night, but still feels relevant."

Why was it so hard to believe Atlas? Mostly because she knew she knew them both better than this. Yet -- she simply gave him a nod, featuring a small look that very well meant - they needed to talk after class.

And SHE HATED doing this because look at how perfect his answer was, even if he was terrible at herbology -- just look.

Keeping her feelings aside, she nodded, "Right you are, Mr Flamsteed. Take a point"

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Wow. Ash had so many friends today! "Like everyone said, night-blooming flowers often smell nice. But they're also really pretty sometimes. Like water lilies. They're pink and white, and they can bloom during the day OR during the night." Of course Ash was talking about how pretty night-blooming flowers were. She was an artist. She likes pretty flowers just as much as anyone else. And she thought that talking about how pretty flowers were was perfectly acceptable for this class. They did talk about what plants looked like and how to identify them, after all
....Though not entirely taken away by the answer, June nodded. "Correct, Miss Fox"

It was absolutely satisfying how informative everyone had been so far. It felt like a good warm up -- despite the cold around them. So, when no one else's hand was up in the air anymore, June decided to move forward.

"Almost all of you made excellent points. And let me just say - I am impressed as ever." June smiled. "There are a variety of flowers which only bloom at night. Their bloom is dependent on moon phases, light sensitivity, temperature, soil and more."

"Keeping that in mind - I want you to look at these" she said, gesturing over to a table with three pots - each with a flower which had not bloomed. "Moonflower, Night Blooming Jasmine, Tuberose"

"Can you tell me what is common between them all? And what might any of these flowers need to bloom perfectly tonight?"

OOC: Thaaaank you for being here still. Second question up! Will move the class sometime now tomorrow. <3

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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