Originally Posted by
Chelliephone He was at a lost to determine which portraits were which, there were just so many of them. He wondered if perhaps he should come back another time to attempt, merely because he looked foolish just STARING but before he could really make any movement to leave, he heard his name called down the corridor.
Evan's head swiveled a bit, looking for the match to the voice and gave a small smile when he saw Lia. He'd been avoiding spending too much time with her this term but... it had been a few months, and he did miss getting to catch up so it was a welcome surpise. "Dahlia, hi. What brings you this way?"
Had Dahlia taken notice that Evan hadn't really been spending much time with over the last several months, yes she had. Would she be bringing it up at all? No, no she wouldn't. Honestly while she had noticed it, she sorta chalked it up to the fact that they were back at school and with that brought a lot of changes. Many many more friends, lessons, tons of assignments, perhaps his own explorations and whatever else might be going on for not only Evan but for herself as well. They were both busy. Yet, she did miss their times of wandering the corridors and grounds for clues on hidden passageways.
"Just doing some wandering about.. alone exploring if you will," she shrugged. When put that way it sounded really pathetic.
"What about you? You.. looked like you were searching for something?" He had been looking at the walls, hadn't he?
"Are you still seeking out those passages?" Had he located something on his own and kept it a secret?