Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising He wasn't acting weird. She was totally ignoring him and Apollo wasn't sure how to feel about that. She was normally the outgoing one and the one to approach him first, and yet this whole year, she'd been weird and so Apollo took it upon himself to follow her discreetly out to the grounds.
Once she stopped along the bridge, he observed quietly before approaching. "we really do live in one the best places on Earth, don't we?" He asked, looking at her, hands shoved into his pockets. Bella didn't have a sixth sense or anything of the sort but she just knew that Apollo wasn't going to let her ignore him for the whole year. As she stood and gazed out over the castle and grounds in the chilly fall air Bella shivered slightly as she heard his unmistakable voice behind her. Of course he had followed her out here. Suddenly nervous she twiddled her gloved thumbs as she kept her gazed fixed straight ahead, and not on Apollo and murmured back. "Hogwarts is truley the best place, where else could we use magic this freely?" And not have to worry about underage magic laws?
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