Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Mia watched closely as the students grouped up and attempted to gather up murtlaps for feeding. She wasn’t sure how long they would need to find and corral the murtlaps. But, they did need to feed them, before the creatures got any ideas about their aquarium-mates. Or student fingers.
But it seemed like some students were close to having their murtlap buddies ready to feed, so Mia strode off to the corner, returning with three small buckets. She didn’t want to rush any that were still trying to coerce the creatures out of their hiding places, but maybe getting out the food would help them along as well. “All right, I know some of you are still tracking down your murtlaps, but when you’ve gotten them, it’ll be feeding time,” she announced, glancing around to make sure everyone heard. “I’ve got here some small fish,” like anchovies and sardines, “as well as some seaweeds and prawns.” She set the buckets down in a row. “I’d like for you to offer a sampling of foods to your murtlap, and observe how they react to each one.” Ooc: Ok, the main activity is up! You’ll have until at least 8 PM Central (GMT-5) on September 30th to complete this activity. If you haven’t completed the mini activity already, that’s OK, you can wrap that up and go straight to the main activity. If you haven’t gotten the chance to post at all in class, this is a great place to jump in!
What you need to do:
-Offer your murtlap each food type (seaweed, fish, and prawns/crustaceans) and make some observations and conclusions about its reaction to each one.
-I’ll be RPing the murtlaps reactions to the food options throughout Professor Paszek will be around for questions or mishaps. |