Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Kamran would take the non-plant related question from Fox, even if was a little unexpected and came with that strangely ordered form of address. But she had all the right components there, and an address he accepted in amongst it all, so it was no bother. "I don't really have one, Miss Fox. Difficult to pick just one... I suppose it depends on the context. Muted colours, perhaps." As an artist, she'd know what those looked like. Otherwise, a total non-answer, perhaps, but them's the breaks.
As Fox moved on to June, Kamran instead turned to Turov, setting his own potted plant down - having confirmed that it was, in fact, certainly a plant, which probably also had some kind of scientific name - and checking over those she'd brought along. "Hm..." He looked up, scanned the banks of the lake, and considered the plants again. "Both, I'd say. If we get them planted near the trees, they can get a little of both throughout the day..."
Well. No time like the present. As Kamran scooped up more plants again, and started for the nearest of the trees, he spoke directly to the Gryffindor. "Feel free to pitch in with the digging, Mr Flamsteed. Plenty of trowels to go around." And magic. That too. Catching Donovan's question too, Kamran glanced at June and quietly nodded his approval, as opposed to wading in and intercepting a direct question.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |