Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? SPOILER!!: Kizzy Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack It wasn't. It really, really wasn't! "I only meant because you might get sick and it'd be uncomfortable." Not because was worried. Except she was worried too. But she didn't know if she was allowed to be worried about Ashley Fox, so this other way was better. And maybe Kinsay did worry a lot, but there was always reasons for it. She didn't used to worry so much. It was only recently that it started up so bad. She really couldn't help it. Even when she tried not to.
This was a lot. And maybe some of what Ash said resonated with her, but there were so many things being said that it was hard to respond to all of them at once.. Not that she was sure she even wanted to respond to all of them. See? This is why she wanted to be here alone. Conversations were so exhausting sometimes. "Are you feeling sad now?" Because she was out here now. Which meant if she wasn't lying about what she said...
But then the Ravenclaw's question caught Kizzy by surprise and she wasn't sure she really wanted to answer or talk about this sort of thing anymore. "Come out here when I'm sad? Or... blame myself for things?" Clarification was necessary. Ash smiled despite herself for a brief moment, caught off guard by Kinsay's words. Then she cleared her throat. "If I get sick, I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." You won't even know I caught a cold. She doubted those words would be reassuring if said aloud. And really, she wanted to reassure Kinsay. She didn't like seeing her upset, for reasons that she didn't really understand. Was it because she saw a bit of herself in Kinsay, or was it because Kinsay was kind of adorable when she wasn't so upset? Who even knew? Not Ash. "Right now? I'm not feeling sad anymore. That's what this balcony is here for. I don't really know what I am feeling though. It's kind of peaceful out here." Not even Kinsay could make her feel very sad when she was staring at the stars. That was another thing that she chose to not say. "I don't know. Both? You don't have to answer if you don't want to..." She probably wouldn't answer. Because she was Kinsay, and she didn't want to talk to Ash, etc. etc. Yeah. Whatever. At least she asked, right? That was all she could do. She hated that. She hated feeling helpless. She hated knowing that Kinsay always felt bad because of her, and she couldn't do anything about it because she was a muggleborn and she'd never be Cambridge's friend. She hated all of it. |