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Join Date: Dec 2008 Location: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlie Upstead Gryffindor Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Aurelio Kaiser Slytherin Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexei Petrov Slytherin First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Yves Flamel Slytherin Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Achilles Zacharias Ravenclaw Third Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Ezekiel Ransom-Kruus Ollivanders x12 x12
| Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight SPOILER!!: Individual responses SPOILER!!: Eden Quote:
Originally Posted by Bryn "You don't even have to fly very high before the sound of everyone on the ground is drowned out by the wind," Eden answered politely. Hand-raise and all. Then a lightbulb went off in her head, and she had to quickly get the rest of her answer out before Kazmi moved on. "Actually, no, the best part about flying is that it's an alternative to portkeys." That invention was part of her magical inheritance she was glad to let go of.
She went back to picking splinters out the handle of her broom, happy that Quinn had chosen to stand next to her. She wasn't wrong. Doubly not wrong actually. Two objective facts. "Very true." Ah, flying. One of those activities that could be social or solitary depending on how it was employed. "Many witches and wizards do prefer flying over portkeys. They may be faster, but it's not uncommon for people to steer well clear of them for whatever reason." Which, for anyone taking note, was one of many reasons that flying on a broom was a useful skill to know. He'd heard portkey sickness was really no joke. "Thank you, Miss Tilly." SPOILER!!: Claudine Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 “Okay, Professor. Thought it might have been a broomstick flying off or something…” Still joking. Catching Ash's wave, Claudine smiled in acknowledgement. While she waited for the lesson to get started, she stared up at the sly for a bit; possibly Kazmi had had a bit of influence there. But it was a pretty evening; the sky was nice to look at anyway. You know what was even better to look at? Heath. “Hi, you.” Claudine brightened up when he asked about her broomstick. “It's great. Best broomstick ever,’’ she told him, happiness and gratitude in each syllable of her words.
Truly, the Snakette could not wait to find out why they were out here at 6 for an evening flying lesson. That would have to wait for a bit longer though. She lifted a hand. “For me, it's the rush of the wind against my face. There’s this feeling of being… free... when I’m flying.” She wasn’t sure how else to describe it but the weight of the world and studies all felt lifted from her when she was in the air. Kamran had been sure he'd hear something along these lines sooner or later. Freedom, a part of it he too could appreciate. "There's just something about that, isn't there?" And, not to keep bringing it back to what had happened here a couple of years ago, but Kamran wondered whether some of these kids gripped tightly to anything that gave them that sense of freedom. "Thank you, Miss Blaze." SPOILER!!: Ash Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat “You know what, professor? I will. Just because you asked.” She was promising she’d have dinner, and Ashley Fox didn’t like to break promises. Plus, she liked Kazmi. And eating dinner was important so that she wouldn’t become hangry.
She didn’t even have to think about her answer to the question. “I like the adrenaline. It’s the same reason I like surfing. And when I’m flying, I can’t think of anything else. It’s fun and it helps me clear my mind.” Some people liked meditation. Flying was like that. Good, good, that was one thing sorted at least, provided the Ravenclaw kept her word. Kamran saw no reason to doubt.
He nodded at her answer, another one he'd been hoping to hear. It would help with a segue later, if nobody touched on the specific topic he had in mind - something he had no real expectations about. "Adrenaline, that's a big one. Many people thrive on excitement and adrenaline." Others... well, Kamran had seen more than his fair share of students, some in this very school, who looked like they needed a thrill like a hole in the head. The jittery ones, you know, who already had more adrenaline than they knew what to do with.
As to the mind-clearing nature of it, Kamran agreed with her there, he flew to clear his head all the time. "Good, thank you, Miss Fox." SPOILER!!: Lisa Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson Lisa was quiet. She had been feeling off the past couple of hours ever since she had confided in Serena about her crush… Being around V and Jasper just made her feel weird so she kinda stood a little bit away from the group with her hand clutching her arm. She had, of course, greeted Professor Kamzi when she came in but it was much less enthusiastic than what she had normally done.
Lost in her thoughts she was.
So when he asked the first question, she had to push herself to participate. Perhaps focusing on the lesson would make her think less about her feelings and weirdness.
“It’s freedom. Flying means you aren’t stuck. You can escape… weird situations, feelings, maybe a few creatures too?” she explained with a deadpan facial expression. Oh? She wasn’t talking about herself…. Not just one bit. She was quiet, wasn't she? Kamran had always tried to keep up with students and their interpersonal dynamics, it often helped to know how it might effect the mood in the lesson (because, oh, he'd heard how these things could be effected). But sometimes it was lost on him, and the point was that Kamran had no idea what Nam's subdued air was about, but hadn't discounted the idea that it might be related to one of the other gloomy kids here today. "Good, yes." More credence to his freedom theory, even if this is was a more practical application of the concept. "A very useful, sometimes life-saving skill." Wait. Escaping creatures? That seemed verging on specific personal experience. Uh... No. Not going to ask. "Thank you, Miss Nam." SPOILER!!: Valentina Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Ooooh. This was an easy question. "It helps me to not deal with sad things for a little while. The second I fly, it's just me and my broom. I just don't think about anything." Just like when she danced.. except dance was a lot more expressive. And a much better workout. But, it was silly to compare. ANYWAY. "Why do you like flying, Professor??" She asked curiously. "It can be an excellent distraction, yes. I'm glad that's a method that works for you." Flying was one of those that could go both ways, like running. Some were distracted from their thoughts, some able to sort through them, while some didn't escape their thoughts at all but were forced to face them in a not altogether comfortable or safe way. "Thank you, Miss Nichols."
He was about to move on when-... oh. Kamran hadn't expected the return question - or, he had, but from a different student, and not the same question - but he entertained it all the same. "Many, many things," he told the Gryffindor, with a half smile. "But, to name one, I like the feeling that more space is available to me, that I can claim the sky as my own for a while. Plus, I find it very exhilarating." Okay, that was two things - three, at a push - so sue him. Please don't sue him. SPOILER!!: Evan Quote:
Originally Posted by Chelliephone The 'good to see you' just resulted in a small smile from the Ravenclaw, before he glanced at his watch again just as Professor Kazmi began the lesson. Which seemed moot then, so he let his arm flop back down by his side. Initially with the question... he had to fight to keep his eyebrows level, because there was nothing he could think of to say. Probably because it was such a struggle for him. While everyone else, Margaret and the rest of the people who played for U17 or just enjoyed it, made it look so effortless.
But then a reprieve was offered in the way of asking why others would like it, and Evan was incredibly grateful for the Professor's forethought on having an alternative question handy. Bless him. Hearing a few other answers, freedom having been his primary expectation for enjoyment, Evan raised his hand to offer another suggestion. "How effortless it can feel for some." If that was taken insultingly, he certainly hadn't meant it. Some seemed to have a natural talent, and Flying didn't seem to take nearly as much fact memorization or interpretation like History of Magic or Ancient Runes. Flying was more emotional, it seemed.
Maybe that's why he was bad at it. And maybe that's why there was the... slightest twinge of bitter to his words. Oops. If Kamran noticed that tone or gathered any meaning from Nam's words, he made no overt reference to it, only nodded along with the boy's answer. Evidently one applied to others rather than himself. "Very true. Some are lucky enough to enjoy the things they find effortless, by virtue of their being effortless, and flying is no exception." Kamran counted himself in one of those lucky ones, but that wasn't always the way it went. He would hazard a guess that the majority of people learned to enjoy something they found they had natural ability in, because it made them feel good, but there were plenty of others who loved the things they were terrible at, or had no interest in the areas where their natural abilities lay. Interesting thing to think about, and of course it was a Ravenclaw that put him on such a train of thought, albeit unintentionally. "Thank you, Mr Nam." SPOILER!!: Kinsay Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack It was hard for her to hate people, even when she knew she was supposed to. And she was definitely supposed to hate Mr. Kazmi, but. He didn't seem as mean and terrible as Emm said he was. "Is it doing anything interesting?" The sky? Because Kins didn't see anything worth looking at right now. And she wasn't sure that predictably unpredictable made a whole lot of sense. Predicting the sky is what weathermen were for.
Fortunately with all this, Kins was too distracted to notice the way Coby walked around her without acknowledgement, but she did catch sight of Alfie's big smile and moved to stand near him as Mr. Kazmi began class.
What's the best part of flying? She liked lots of things about flying - but to pick the best? That'd be hard. Flying made her feel invincible and it was a way to connect with her dad and it made her have that swooping feeling in her stomach and it was adventure and excitement and it made everything look so small, even her problems. But she didn't know which answer to give, so instead of replying right away, she thought about it for a moment or two. "It makes me feel big," is what she finally settled on after confidently raising her hand.
But also. "Did wizards invent flying for fun or was it supposed to be practical?" Because Kins had always figured it was the latter, but. And also. She'd rather think about this than ... other stuff that she didn't want to think about. So. Yeah. It had a double purpose maybe. Kind of. "Oh, always. Just not always where we can see it." Listen. Kamran did not often talk in riddles, and he stood by the fact he wasn't doing so now either. Even the predictably unpredictable comment made sense if you thought about it.
He smiled a little at James' answer though, it was a refreshing perspective, though he couldn't have known all the reasoning behind her words. "Indeed. Thank you, Miss James." Kamran didn't move along yet, he knew how these things went. And, a moment later, there was his question. "That might be something more in Professor Holden's wheelhouse, but I would hazard a guess that it was for practicality at first, and then someone found the fun in it. But I don't know for sure." He didn't mind admitting it. Today. SPOILER!!: Daniel Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Had he greeted the professor when he had arrived at class or not? He couldn't even remember but not like it mattered. As class began at six sharp, Daniel placed his bottle of water on the ground while he listened to the first question. "I like the speed" He answered after raising his hand in the air. "Cause i find it easier to control a broom when I'm going fast for some reason" He usually fell off of one when they had to do tricks. Kamran nodded. This was a concept he was very familiar with. If he were to make a comparison to a muggle pastime, he'd probably liken it to riding a bike. Easier to control when going at a good clip than when crawling along. But this was flying class, and probably very few kids here were interested in hearing about bicycles. "Thank you, Mr Yoon. Some very good insight." SPOILER!!: Heath Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Heath nodded at the professor’s reply. Good to know that Kazmi wasn’t expecting rain tonight! He could probably handle flying at night or flying in rain, but he wasn’t sure about his abilities to do both at the same time. He saw the way Claudine brightened when he mentioned her broomstick, and that in turn made him happier. Best broomstick ever? He beamed upon hearing those words. Good! If it wasn’t the best broomstick, he would’ve had a few choice words for his quidditch player brother who recommended it! Never mind, that conversation wasn’t necessary, and besides, class was starting.
Heath turned his attention to Professor Kazmi as he spoke. No, the lesson hadn’t thrown off any other plans. If he wasn’t here, he’d probably be somewhere studying or practicing his audition for the Christmas play over the holiday break back home, but he could do those things any time. He considered the question. In the past, he probably would’ve said he didn’t like flying or at the very least, had a hard time coming up with something he liked, but now he had a different perspective. He listened to his classmates’ answers, noting that most of them had to do with the feeling of being on a broom, but he took his own answer in a different, slightly broader direction. “I like flying because it challenges me to step outside my comfort zone,” he said after raising his hand. “And there’s the sense of accomplishment that comes with learning something new, especially something I never thought I’d do.” Merlin, that was such a Ravenclaw answer, wasn't it? You know, that had indeed been the kind of answer Kamran wasn't surprised to hear from a Ravenclaw, and he welcomed it. At least nobody had launched into the subject of physics yet. Then again, that had been a Gryffindor last time. "Thank you for sharing for that insight, Mr Jones," Kamran said, nodding in approval. Always promising to hear that kind of thing. "I'm very glad to hear it's had that kind of positive effect on you." Really and truly. Flying was a life skill as much as a practical or academic one, and that was the hill he chose to die on. SPOILER!!: Ramsey Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir What did he like best about flying? Alfie didn't know exactly how to answer that question. He just liked it. He didn't know what about it he liked exactly. He liked all of it. "I think it's cool to be up in the air, professor. Like I'm flying!" Well, he was flying. But he meant you could almost imagine that you were flying on your own without a broom. As a muggleborn, it seemed even cooler to him simply because of the fact that it was so magical. He was sure that it wasn't as spectacular to some of the students who had grown up with magic and around brooms. But it was different for someone like him who had grown up thinking something like that was impossible. Did Ramsey have a muggle upbringing? It was almost definitely in poor taste to wonder about these things, but Kamran figured it was fine, provided his speculation was private and he didn't put any significance on it. He was, funnily enough, more aware of that particular demographic detail in the kids who'd been here before he had ever arrived to teach.
It was just that Ramsey's words struck him in just such a way as to make him think it, with that phrasing. Muggles often yearned to fly, and it was a real shame they never got a chance. Which meant muggle-borns... well, consider Kamran as following the same line of thought as the Hufflepuff, without being aware of it.
Ultimately, Kamran responded with a nod and a small smile. "That it is, Mr Ramsey. Thank you." SPOILER!!: Hamsteed Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie For the record, grass was not the worst of things found in nature that one could put into your mouth. That being said, Atlas preferred to get his leafy greens from other means.
Professor Kazmi called it flying, Atlas called it falling with style. Tomato, tomato...potato, potato, you know? Which really left little to the imagination as to what was Atlas's favorite part of flying. The free falling aspect was really it and with lessons in his first year revolving around getting comfortable with falling and learning how to fall the 'right' way, well, the professor really had just opened the door nice and wide for Atlas to walk through.
Soooooooo...the rush of the wind, the adrenaline, escaping wei---- wait what? Atlas' head turned a bit too look over at Lisa who was acting...uh...not Lisa like. Sort of like her kneazle had their claws in her back and were, you know, enacting some of their plans.
His train of thought had been distracted and, for once, he had been staying entirely on topic and even agreeing with his peers about things...but now he was sort of side stepping towards the usually effervescent Lisa who now seemed like a diamond that had been dropped in the mud and its shine blocked out. Just needed a bit of polishing and attention to bring that back though, right?
So side stepping just a little closer to the Ravenclaw, he lightly tap tap tapped his foot on top of hers as an effort to provide some comfort.
"It's pretty cool to be able to defy the laws of gravity...but then even better when gravity reminds you it cannot be fully defied," he chirped in response with an entirely too gleeful looking grin on his face. As soon as Flamsteed started talking, Kamran wondered whether he might have spoken (thought... spoken) too soon, and whether the subject of physics was about to return with a vengeance. When the Ls-of-G-phrase was mentioned, he really did think...
... But no, it was okay. Sort of. Sort of okay. Flamsteed just all but said he enjoyed falling off a broom, and if Kamran were a less restrained sort of person, he might have facepalmed. He wasn't sure he liked that grin, though, not on a day when the net was in place. The net's presence meant added safety, but Kamran was sure it also meant temptation for some of these kids. "... Yes, pretty cool indeed." Watching you, Gryffindor. "Thank you, Mr Flamsteed." SPOILER!!: V Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz She waved back to Val as the older girl took her seat, and grinned at Serena's suggestion. "Oh absolutely. I would LOVE that. Mostly because I know I would win," she smirked and stood up all straight just to get a rise out of Serena.
"ALFIE!" she beamed at her Hufflepuff friend. Hufflepuffs just made the BEST listeners didn't they? She would never forget that about Alfie.
V ABSOLUTELY knew her favorite part of flying. She raised her hand IMMEDIATELY. "I LOVE flying because it doesn't require magic and only requires a certain level of skill. And even if you're not good at first, you can work up your skill!!!!" she said with a nod. As others began to give their answers, she noted Lisa's ODD behavior. Weird energy. Hmm.
She'd have to see about that later >.> Of all the answers, this was the one that nearly got a chuckle out of Kamran. Nearly. He allowed a half smile, as he had with some of the others, but kept it more or less reined in. It wasn't so much what Gellar said - because that hinted at further difficulties, possibly troubling ones - but in the way that she'd said it. Beyond that, it was an answer Kamran truly liked to hear. "Excellent, yes, Miss Gellar. Thank you. I think that's one of my favourite things about it as well, and speaks to the practical and active nature of it. Worth remembering, though, that some may never take to flying, and accessibility is not universal. Although, accommodations can always be made." It wasn't until after Kamran spoke that he realised that might have sounded a little pointed, with what he half-suspected about the difficulties Gellar had elsewhere in school. Not his intention, but if she gleaned something from that, then all to the better. Now, for a perhaps slightly jarring segue. Bear with. "Freedom, adrenaline, and expression are answers I usually hear to that question. And, often in tandem with these, the more specific aspect of flips and tricks." Nobody start backing away, it was all fine - see the net? - and Kamran still kept speaking in the same steady, level, and hopefully still reassuring way of his. "So let's talk a little about those. What might the appeal be to employing tricks? When might something like a loop-the-loop, a flip, or a roll be useful or effective or just plain fitting for the situation? There's-" Kamran paused, he'd been caught out many times over the years by the phrase he had been about to utter - there's really no wrong answer, so he quickly diverted. "-plenty of room for personal experience and anecdotes here. If you want to come at it a different way, tell me any tricks you've done, or seen or read about, and maybe wanted to try, and why." OOC: Feel free to have your characters answer any part of the question(s) put to them. I'll be moving us on in around 24 hours.
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