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Waddles Feeding time. Cozy in her flannel shirt, Mia thought she was finally adjusting to the weather here in Scotland. The weather and living practically outside. Luckily it was warm in the barn, especially up in the loft where she was when she heard someone enter the barn. And then the little voice told her it was one of her regular helpers. Good.
"Good morning, is that you, Miss Donovan?" Mia called, coming to the edge of the loft to look down. Ah, yes, it was. It was good to start to recognize voices in addition to faces. She headed to the ladder and carefully began the climb down from the loft. "Are you here for visiting or helping?" Either was fine, of course, but she always appreciated the help.
She hadn't even made it two steps into the barn after announcing her arrival and she was being greeted in return. It was to be expected really, given what time it was. Feeding time. One of the busiest in the barn besides cleaning out the stalls.
"It is," Lia replied automatically, lifting her gaze upwards towards the lofts above her head where she thought the voice of the professor had been coming from.
Visiting or helping. Well that was an easy one.
"Both." Whenever the time allowed for it, it was always both. Helping to feed all of the creatures could be tiring dirty work but it also allowed for some up close and personal time with them as well. It was a different form of bonding that visiting didn't give to her and the creatures.
"Where would you like me to start?" Food, water? A certain stall perhaps? She had no preference at all. They all got the same level of care, respect and love from her.