Flying Lesson 1 - Flip It's closing in on sunset, and the sky is starting to darken. As the sun goes down, the October air feels a little on the brisk side, but though the sky is overcast, there's no rain due. So that's something.
Inside the Training Area, you'll soon find the space gradually lights up via some untraceable source once night starts to fall. Professor Kazmi - or Mr Kazmi, he doesn't mind which - can be clearly seen waiting for students at his usual spot along the perimeter of the area. He stands with his arms folded, watching the sky as he waits for students to arrive, and with a small selection of back-up brooms nearby for those who forget to bring their own or to collect one from the broomshed.
Also clearly visible is the large bouncy net stretched up above, which you may be familiar with from some of last term's flying lessons. As usual, it spans almost the entire area, about thirty feet or so above ground level, leaving some space to fly up and around to reach the sky above. Don't worry about the net. The net is your friend.
Gather round, students. Kamran will be starting this lesson at six o'clock sharp. _____ OOC: Welcome to the first RPed Flying lesson of the term. There would have been Flying lessons all term up to this point, and your character should know Kamran by now. Be sure to read the rules before posting. I'll be kicking things off in about 24 hours.
CLASS PROGRESSION: Question 1: What's the best part of flying/what might other people enjoy about flying? Question 2: When might flips and tricks be useful, or appropriate to the situation? Activity: Follow the lights
- Reactions/responses/feedback Activity: Catch the lights (pink team vs orange team) Class dismissed