The Gay Agenda™< >Homiesexual uwu
Quinn trudged up to the class, their feet falling heavily on the morning dew. They hadn't gotten much sleep last night—the due date for a long History of Magic essay they hadn't done was looming awfully close, and they didn't feel like stressing about it later... so they did the whole thing last night. They didn't even have to do it all last night, but they didn't have anything better to do, and once they started they didn't want to break the momentum and come back to it later, so they just pushed through and suddenly it was 5 AM and they realized they had class in the morning. Quinn ended up only getting two hours of sleep so that they could get ready and eat breakfast before class, but they were too tired to even properly get ready... they had their unbrushed hair in a bun so it wouldn't look as ratty, and they had heavy bags under their eyes. They ended up falling asleep at the Ravenclaw table right in their baked beans and had to go clean themself up in the bathroom.
All in all, not the funnest morning. And they had to come outside for Divination today. It was chilly, so under their school robe Quinn wore a thick cardigan (that was for some reason softer and cozier than usual this morning) along with their purple and blue bracelets. They waved to the Professor with a yawn and walked over to a yoga mat, scanning the students as they did. There were a couple they knew personally, like Lisa and Claudine, but most they only knew to see. They at least knew Evan by name since he was in their House and all. Maybe they should get to know more people..?
Not this morning, though. They went over and kneeled on one of the yoga mats without many people around and relaxed with a sigh. Their eyelids opened and shut heavily until they finally closed, and Quinn's head rested on their chest. Just a little mid-morning nap.