Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
The loo hadn't helped? Well... there went the only idea he had had regarding what could be the matter. But he was relieved at least to know there had been no bad food, as he liked the house elves far too much to not feel guilty having even thought the idea. Schmoe had made it feel like home? As much as Evan liked the Professor, he wouldn't have gone that far. But he actively tried to not get too attached to most people to think of anyone in that matter. Even his crush so far had been easy to stay away from, which was good considering he had made the decision already to do so until things went away. "So essentially... you could be homesick? For Schmoe?" Well... there was certainly no way to fix that particular problem. "Oh Liss...." The eyes watering broke him a little bit, and more emotion showed in his expression than he usually allowed as he sat down on the other side of his sister, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. "It's okay, Lisa. There's no reason to be scared, okay? We'll get you checked out and I'm sure everything'll be right as rain." Ahhh, and then here came the dramatics. She was certainly no where near dying, but he'd humor her since she was not feeling great and just say yes on all the things to appease her. Even though he had major concerns about most of the things she was listing. Pascal? Pads could still decide to eat him. He didn't even know who Jasper was, and while he could easily take care of the requests for the girls (though why was he giving Remy flowers???), there was no way he wouldn't deliver the book to the wrong Flamsteed. And Daniel? When Evan had first met him in DA, and not really seen him much since, it had very much seemed the boy was prone to disliking him. But he wouldn't point any of this out, simply go with, "Sure, Liss."
At the question of her stomach, Evan nodded his head. Shrugging his shoulders when she said they should owl Noah. What was Noah supposed to be able to do that the Healer could not? Though he remained silent on that. He watched his sisters for a moment, and was unfortunately close enough to hear Maya's question in which he turned BRIGHT red and stood up to move farther away so they could uh... talk more privately. Because he did not need to be apart of this conversation. "I think.. er... it'd be easier to just ask Noah to mirror with Eomma. And some of the uh... older girls... should be able to help here......." Like maybe Kinsay's sister, or Claudine, or anyone. And hopefully he could be very far away for the conversation.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |