SPOILER!!: Kins + Ash + the moon
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Kins didn't know that she made Ash feel the worst. If she did, it'd probably make her feel all the more guilty. Which would maybe, in turn, make Ash feel even worse, if that was possible. So. Um. Maybe this unknown was for the best. Sometimes ignorance really was bliss.
"Yeah," she mused, nodding slowly with Ash's words. Kins felt that way about the moon too. And after a few quiet moments, she added, "It reminds me of my parents." Had it been any other night, she may have been more reluctant to have this conversation with Ashley Fox of all people. Not just because it was a vulnerable one, but because. Because she didn't like having reasons to like Ash. Liking someone meant that you were only steps away from being their friend and that wasn't allowed. For Reasons. It was the biggest reason why she avoided this particular Ravenclaw whenever she could. Friendship was a non-option. She didn't even want to entertain the possibility. Because. Because she really, really couldn't lose Emm again.
Hopefully Ash understood that. It wasn't anything personal. Not really.
"Oh," she considered the question for a moment before shaking her head. "Your secret's safe with me." Kiz wasn't a snitch. She'd have no reason to tell anyway. And maybe it'd be best if no one knew they were sitting out here together anyway because Emm might hear about it and then. Yeah. So. That was another reason. "Will you stay here all night?" It didn't sound like a comfortable place to sleep ... though Kins had also fallen asleep in many an unlikely Hogwarts' corner, so maybe it was a moot point.
Oh, but it was personal. It was about her specifically. It was about her, and her relationship with Cambridge, and her relationship with Sammy, and how nobody was allowed to be friends with Ash because she was Cambridge didn’t like her. Because of Sammy. But also because she was a muggleborn. It was personal. It just was.
Ash settled against the wall. “I was sorta planning on sleeping out here... or not sleeping at all... but I have my sleeping potions just in case... then I’ll head to the common room before anyone wakes up and notices that I left.” Would they even notice AFTER they woke up? It seemed unlikely.
“I feel so small compared to the rest of the universe. I like that feeling.” She liked being unimportant and overlooked. That was so much better than feeling like the whole universe was trying to come after her or something.