Thread: Kitchen
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Old 09-09-2021, 08:28 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2021
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Olive (Ollie) Burke
Second Year

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post


“I’m sure she’d rather I call her ‘mom.’” That answered all the important questions, yes? Good. Ash could talk forever about why she called her that or why her stepmother also went by her middle name or why her stepmother wanted her to go to therapy. She could talk forever about anything. Asking why Megan Olivia also went by her middle name was not relevant. And even if it was, Ash didn’t want to talk about Megan Olivia any more than she had to. So that was that.

“Quinn makes stuff in here all the time, and I don’t think they’ve had any trouble. I’ve never had any... Ollie, one time a bunch of students blew a hole in the wall and the house elves didn’t yell at anyone that time.” Much different circumstances but still. She looked over at the other girl. “You’re afraid of lots of things.” It wasn’t a judgement... she was just pointing out the obvious. Ollie seemed to be afraid of literally everything. Why?

Oh yeah, my father is threatening to pull me out of school if I don’t stay at home doing nothing all summer. No big deal. THAT WAS A BIG DEAL. It made Ash worried and upset. But all emotions were dumb, so she took a deep breath to make them go away. Maybe several deep breaths. ”That doesn’t sound like it’s no big deal. What could you possibly have done to get grounded for the whole entire summer?” She missed the festival! She missed the parties! Ash could have invited her over to her mansion! But instead, Ollie was all alone in her house, learning to make a million different kinds of pasta like that was all life had to offer or something. It wasn’t right. Yes, Ash was a little biased because her father let her do whatever she wanted, but none of her other friends had been grounded like that. It was wrong. She was sure.
Okay, Ollie got the hint. Ash did not want to talk about this anymore. Moving on.

Really a hole int the wall? Ollie couldn’t even imagine what was going on when that happened. “I don’t think I’m scarred of a lot of stuff… just cautious.” Was it a bad thing to be cautious. No. Or not in her eyes. You could end up in a lot of trouble if you don’t watch what your doing or don’t pay attention to rules and such around you. Plus Ollie wouldn’t want to upset someone and get on their bad side by not paying attention and doing something to upset or irritate them. “Is that a bad thing?”

Ollie could tell Ash was having a hard time understanding what happened, but she did a bad job at explaining it too. It really shouldn’t have been a big deal. She could have easily stopped it from becoming one. Ollie never pushed boundaries or made a fight out of something that she didn’t feel strongly about; but this she felt really strongly about. “I just made plans to go visit friends over the summer. Maybe work at a camp to get some money for travel and stuff. When I told my dad I wasn’t going to stay home with him, he rolled his eyes at me. That just happened to be what set her off. “It was like he thought I was stupid. I repeated myself about going away and he laughed at me. That’s when I started yelling at him…” Okay, she wasn’t really proud of that part. But she couldn’t help all the feelings she had! From him not writing to her all year, not talking to her at Christmas, not even giving her a reason as to why he would be upset with her. Everything just came out at once. “It really was not nice of me, so I understand why he punished me.”
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