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Granger Danger Tadhg couldn't believe they were back already, and here they were third years, okay... they were just third years and have a way to go but they were teenagers now. Of course they were still kids, but they were alot more mature then they were their first and secind year. It was the first weekend of the term which meant exploring with Lia and his friends. Seeing how it was still nice, he decided to head outside for some fresh air.
With Shadow on his heels he walked down the sloping lawn biting his lip wondering where his feet and mind were going to take him. Walking around his feet guiding him, he headed towards a big tall tree and snapped back into reality when he seen it. "Wow... this tree is huge and big!" As he seen Lia he smiled. "Hey Bubbles, shall we go up?" He asked her with a smirk.
He wondered if anyone has carved their names into the tree, not that he would do it, but he seen in the trees at the muggle parks S&S 4eva or so carved into the trees while climbing them. Although he didn't think anyone did that to the tree here, even if they did he was sure the tree was charmed to remove ir or so. Seeing the treehouse he smiled happily he loved treehouses, they were so calm and peaceful.
If the footsteps headed her way didn't warn her that she was no longer alone, the loud voice certainly did. Be that as it may, Lia didn't bother to glance over her shoulder at them as she already knew by the voice who it was. "So which is it.. huge or big?" she teased playfully still staring up at the tree making a mental map of where the foot and hand holds were.
"Hey, Tadhg.. that was the plan. Just getting an idea of where to start." Since there was no way she was reaching even the lowest branch. Which meant she needed to do a bit of mapping. Adjusting her bag over her shoulder, she gently moved Sir Frederik Puffington into her bag where he would be safe.
Bright blue eyes shifted from the tree to the boyfriend and back to tree. "I'm going up," she flashed him a bright smile before moving forward and putting the toe of her sneaker on the lowest knot in the tree. Reaching a hand up she found a good spot to hold onto. Little by little she made her way up into the tree, being careful of where she put her hands and feet.