Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Ah yes. Kayne watched as Ash, being the graceful and delicate girl that she is...fall off the bench she had been sleeping on. Laughter broke out from his mouth. There wasn't even an attempt at holding it back because it was too early to try and stifle the laughter. Trying to talk between the periods of roaring cackles bursting from his lips, Kayne tried saying "Oh Que-" *laughter* "-Queen Ash. Are-" *laughter* "Are you alright" *some more laughter* By now, he was hoping that his friend knew the laughing was intended to be malicious, he just couldn't help it. Awkward moments caused by other people just simply made him laugh. "Ehhhh, more of like a jog." Mordrake replied to the Bog Princess' question. "However, I'd be more than happy to slow down and walk with you if you'd like." His warm smile hopefully bringing a little bit of illumination to the girl's morning. Ash always moved about as gracefully as a cat. In this case, it was like... a cat that fell asleep on a fish tank and suddenly woke up when they fell into the water. She wasn't offended that Kayne was laughing- it was probably really funny to watch. Plus it was Kayne. If someone else was laughing at her, she'd probably be much more annoyed. But Kayne wasn't mean, so it was alright.
She wasn't entirely... awake, so she couldn't really cackle. She just giggled until she felt alert enough to realize that she probably looked stupid. Then she blushed. "Haha, not funny." She even crossed her arms to show that it was NOT FUNNY. But that only caused her to burst into laughter as she realized that this was, in fact, super funny. She laughed until she cried. Oh well. Nobody could look dignified ALL the time. "I can run." True. She had lots of practice running away from her bodyguards- believe her when she said that Dustin and Alex could run. It was so unfair that she wasn't allowed to train with them most of the time. She wished she at least knew where they learned to do that... Anyway, Ash could handle a bit of jogging. The hard part was waking up and staying awake. She pushed some hair away from her eyes and brushed some rocks away from her arms. Did she look like she was awake now? She hoped so, but it didn't really matter. "Let's go!" I'm alive... awake... alert... enthusiastic? |