*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Lia was taking full advantage of being back at Hogwarts. Every chance to be out on the grounds, she was taking it. It didn't matter if she was exploring alone or with a friend or just sitting somewhere reading. If she was keeping herself busy than she was happy.
Today's mission, spending some time by the lake with Sir Frederik Puffington was sleeping contently on her lap. Thankfully she was rather comfortable beneath one of the trees, her back up against its trunk, her bag at her side and a book in her hands. Whether or not she was truly reading it was still in question as she seemed to be staring out over the top of it out at the lake. Aries MISSED the beach. Surfing and the sun. Swimming and Miss Minnie showing them the ocean. And even though the lake at hogwarts did not have the same feel - he found himself in front of it - ready to take a dip. He had promised Miss Minnie that he wouldn’t stop after all - not that she had asked, but he had anyway.
Slipping out of his shirt and kicking off his shoes, he wiggled his toe in the water - trying to get a feel of things - no one wanted a cold after all.
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |