Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson The first couple of days had been busy but Simon was quickly finding his feet and getting back into the swing of the Hogwarts schedule. He was returning from sending a quick owl out with a letter to his wife when he decided to take a walk around the Grounds. Naturally, he ended up at his Favourite place. The Lake.
He looked at the Lake from afar at first and then he noticed one of his students out for a run. He didn’t know she was a runner. “Miss Turov! Fancy seeing you here today. Clearing the mind with a quick run?” he asked the younger girl before seeing that she was untying her shoes. Uhh well this was certainly perplexing, he thought.
“Barefoot running?” he questioned, amending his previous question about a run. Oh no. Oh no no no no no.
Not the History of Magic professor. Why couldn't it be a professor of a class he actually liked? Like...Mr. Kazmi or somebody. She didn't look up at Professor Holden until she'd successfully removed her shoes and tucked her socks inside. And then stood up. "Hello P-professor," she said politely. "Not barefoot running, no, I was, um, I was going to step into the lake. For a bit. Just my feet." She gestured at the very inviting-looking lake. They were allowed to swim in it. Or...people swam in it. She thought. "Do you? Run, I mean?" |