*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! Board interference was the last thing on June Flamsteed's mind - albeit it being alarming, considering the fiasco with Healer Poppy the term before - but at the moment? she was more miffed by what was going with Nemesis Upstead. Was she surprised? Not really. Was she already tired of their antics? Yes.
She'd be lying if she said it wasn't strangely satisfying to see Trent fly him back to his table - but she was sure this was exactly the reaction Nemesis was aiming for. In a twisted sense, it was like giving them validation - which was also why she was not surprised when they continued to slip back to the gryffindor table. On instinct she wanted to fly him back, maybe even super glue him there - but she didn't, because after watching them enough - she didn't think Nemesis Upstead could be just ....forced in line like so.
....maybe she needed to have a conversation with Trent, a thing she decided for sure when the headmaster walked away to deal with the entire thing in person. Disappointed - even more so with the reminder that this kid was once her favorite and how she still cared, she tore her eyes away from the table and looked at Trent as he joined them again, "can we talk about this tomorrow?" This being ..... Nemesis Upstead.
For now though ... it was probably best to go back to the feast.
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |