Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy After acing his OWL exam, and winning their last U17 Quidditch match of the season as a new full-time member player for England, Noah Mordaunt arrived at the Great Hall in good spirits, but kept his cool as he walked with confidence towards the now all too familiar Gryffindor table. As usual, it was the calm before the storm, and he thought it weird that it was too calm.
Not feeling chatty, the sixth year sat on his usual spot, facing the rest of the hall, and tried to spot his friends from his seat. As he did so, he noted that it was bizarre not to see his twin sat at the Ravenclaw table. It was both their first time to be "separated" from each other, and he had to admit that he felt incomplete, but at the same time excited. He'd always longed for the day when they get to go their separate ways, but he did not expect it to be so soon.
It wasn't until his sight reached the staff table and noted the changes. It was too bad Uncle Oakey had to go. Noah wasn't going to blame the poor man, though. He did enjoy teaching, but perhaps it was too much for him. Professor Williamson was no longer there too... but he was more than pleased to see a familiar face: his cousin's best friend and Watson, Professor Simon Holden. Basing his experience from last term with Uncle Oakey, he thought it was best that he wasn't overly familiar with him. At least the pressure wasn't that too great, however, he still needed to keep up with appearances. An old Mordaunt family code of some sort.
And speaking of professors and lessons, Noah fished out his OWL result from his shirt pocket and re-considered taking History for the term. He knew he was going to go Professional after Hogwarts... but he took his grandfather and great-grandfather's advice to look beyond Quidditch, as professional players usually get retired prematurely.
Well, at least the family he came from's filthy rich, so he there was no need to worry about acquiring his own galleons, sickles, and knuts. All he needed to do was to figure out how to propagate his would be inheritance. Right now, he was content with Quidditch, and modelling, and attending the never-ending after-parties.
Sighing, he folded up his OWL result and spared the staff table another glance. Like everyone else in the room, he willed for the Headmaster to get on with his speech.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |