*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! There were too many new faces, change was in the air and there was no Schmoe. It was a thing she had told herself she would not think about - but how could she have avoided it when he wasn't sitting next to her as always was beyond her.
Nonethless, she smiled at the new person sitting in his seat as she sat down, before her eyes shifted to the hufflepuff table and then the Slytherin table. Andromeda was capable enough, June was sure the Hufflepuffs were in good hands - but Gabby's departure had certainly left a void - one she knew won't be easy to fill.
All in good time though. All in good time. "Hello, everyone - lovely evening, no?"
Here we go.
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |