Violet had a sudden flash of memory that Atlas's mum was quite all right after the battle--why had she thought she had died? She must have been confusing her with someone else. It hurt to think too clearly about that time, but ever since the past year, Violet had episodes of forgetfulness and confusion, no doubt from whatever potion Poppy (Violet refused to dignify her with the title "Healer" anymore) had been using on those candles. Merlin! Violet hoped this wasn't a long-term effect. This was her fifth year, and that meant O.W.L.S. at the end--she couldn't afford to be off her game this year!
Trying to shake off the brain fog, Violet tried to concentrate on what Atlas was saying, because she was actually kind of addicted to science fiction novels now and it wasn't like she could discuss them with her family. In fact, she'd been sneaking them in and out of the house all summer--so far, no one had figured out that Violet had applied for a Muggle library card, and she didn't feel a strong need to tell them. "Maybe some time you could recommend some science fiction books to me," she said a little shyly. "I just discovered it a few years ago and no one in my family knows much about it." She didn't add the part about not approving of it.
She waited curiously to see what Atlas's reaction to being suddenly bushwhacked from behind would be. Violet would probably have elbowed whoever was behind her in the stomach if she'd been startled like that, but either Atlas's nerves or reflexes were calmer than hers, because he just responded with a snarky remark, which made Violet chuckle.