eeeeeee #bless *steals* doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily Remy had to blink a few times to adjust her eyes from watching out the window for too long, which didn’t do much so she proceeded to rub them excessively with her knuckles until they were a little red. When uncovering her eyes, she was also very surprised to see someone in the doorway of the compartment. When did Kinsay James get here???! Had the eye rubbing completely fuddled with her senses?
“Oh.” She said right back at her, but she followed it with a smile. Despite her desire to sit alone right now, Remy still wanted to be friends with someone as cool as Kinsay. “Hi, it’s okay… did you… want this compartment to yourself?” Remy pointed to the seat that she was sitting in.
SHE WAS PATHETIC. If Kins knew that Remy thought her to be cool, she wouldn't know how to act. Because, well, Kizzy was lots of things, but she hadn't ever considered 'cool' to be one of them. Emma's cool and Matty's cool and Emm and Sammy are cool. Maybe she was cool by association. She wouldn't mind, not really. Being associated is super cool.
But. Um.
She hesitated for a moment when Remy asked if she wanted the compartment because, in short, the answer was yes. She did want the compartment to herself. But. But she also didn't want to kick someone out - it'd make her feel all the guilty ways - so instead, she shook her head. And it wasn't lying because she didn't want the compartment to herself under these circumstances. "No, I was just looking for Emm," she explained. This also wasn't a lie because she kind of was looking for Emm. And the others too. Maybe not now, but she did want to find them eventually. "Are ... you waiting for someone?"
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |