Charms Cabana Charms Cabana The Charms Cabana is an airy space to practice your spell casting and work on any assignments Professor P sends your way. While your surrounded on three sides by walls with large windows that let in plenty of natural light, the fourth wall gives an illusion of looking out at a different outdoor scene each time you enter. One day you could be looking out at waves crashing against the beach, the next could have you enjoying a rainy forest view filled with trees. The beauty is you never know what you're going to get. The furniture is simple and comfortable, nothing that might take away from the view or distract from the work you're meant to do.
Interested in spending some time here? Just sign up for a time slot of your choice on the list posted just outside the door. Then the room is yours to use alone or share with a friend. Professor Peralta pops in frequently, too, so make sure you're getting some work done while you're here. OOC:This practice room is open to all! There is no actual sign up list, just pretend that your charrie did so and you're good to go! Please remember that all SS Rules apply! |