Meet the Snakes  Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends. Welcome to Slytherin! If you're looking for a place to learn a little bit more about your house, your housemates and maybe your Head of House, look no further. This is a place where you can see who you'll be sharing a dorm or the common room with for the next few (or several) years. This is also a place where you can share a little bit about yourself too, so your housemates can get to know you. Slytherin Head of House: June Flamsteed (Samia) Slytherin Ghost: Bloody Baron Slytherin Founder: Salazar Slytherin Slytherin Mascot: Snake Slytherin Colors: Green and Silver House Cup Championships
2063-2064 (T17), 2064-2065 (T18), 2065-2066 (T19),
2071-2072 (T25), 2072-2073 (T26), 2074-2075 (T28),
2075-2076 (T29), 2079-2080 (T33), 2089-2090 (T43)
2090-2091 (T44), 2091-2092 (T45), 2093-2094 (T47) Quidditch Cup Championships
2056-2057 (T10), 2057-2058 (T11), 2064-2065 (T18), 2074-2075 (T28),
2075-2076 (T29), 2080-2081 (T34) Gobstones Championships
2064-2065 (T18), 2067-2068 (T21), 2068-2069 (T22),
2069-2070 (T23), 2071-2072 (T25), 2073-2074 (T27),
2074-2075 (T28), 2075-2076 (T29), 2079-2080 (T33),
2083-2084 (T37) OOC: This is a place for you to post your character's biography. Common things to include are: their name, age, year, wand, favorite or least favorite subjects, etc.
If you would like to post an image, please make sure it is under 350px by 350px and under 60KB and posted to your OWN image account. No hotlinking! // graphics by the lovely hermionesclone //