Barn and Pastures Many of the creatures students will learn to care for in Care of Magical Creatures class reside in the Hogwarts barn or the connected pastures. The Hogwarts barn, recently painted a cheerful red hue, is located between Professor Paszek's cottage, the Bird Garden, and the Forbidden Forest. Like most structures here on the grounds, it's bigger on the inside than on the outside, with tidy enclosures for each of the breeds of animals kept for the use of the school. The back doors swing open, leading to large fenced pastures where the creatures can graze, run, and play. The wooden and stone fences are charmed to prevent any kind of creature (or student) from escaping, and the pastures have different sections for creatures who may not get along.
Students are welcome to visit the barns and accompanying pastures any time they are not in class, meals, or after curfew. Grab feed from the bins by the door, take one or more of the creatures out for some air, or give the winged horses a good rub down. Whatever you do, remember to treat the creatures with respect and care, especially the ones with sharp teeth and hooves bigger than your heads. This is their home and you are a guest in it.
Most animals within the barn or pastures are rated X, XX, or XXX. Some animals reside in stalls, others are in coops or cubbies, some are in the loft above your head, and some are just regular mundane barn creatures. Please remember your skill level, year, and familiarity around animals when visiting the Barn and Pastures. If you have special permission to have a non-traditional pet, this is where it will stay during the school term. Text Cut: Creatures Housed in the Barn and Pastures Flobberworms:- Lucy & Ricky
- Matilda
- Jack
- A lot of other unnamed ones
Puffskeins:- Pepper
- Dawn
- Lemongelo
- Cocoa
- Bubbles
Bowtruckles:- Pickle
- Jasper
- Acorn
- Daffodil
- Raspberry
Hippogriffs:- Buddy & Charlene
- Ruffles & Springy
- Helios
- Hippie & Skippy
- Waterwings
- Monty & Molly
- Grey Feathers
Winged Horses:- Corena & Oslo (Aethonans)
- January & June (Granians)
- Apollo (Aethonan)
- Cygnus & Eridanus (Granians)
- Ise (Abraxan)
- Francis & Estelle (Abraxans)
- Maxine (Abraxan)
- Gemma (Granian)
- Perseus (Aethonan)
- Zeus (Abraxan)
- Levi (Aethonan)
- Beck (Abraxan)
Thestrals:- Sinatra
- Louis
- Billie
- Etta
Kneazles:- Aphrodite
- Blossom
- Orion
- Sinna
- Honey
- Otis
- Maya
Jarveys:- Albus (Albino) (M) - a long-haired, all-white, older jarvey with red eyes
- Alice (F) - likes to preen; a very pretty, sleek jarvey
- Ivory (Albino) (F) - intelligent jarvey, also all-white, related to Albus
- Mozart (M) - very, very old, hard of hearing, but cuddly jarvey
- Ferret Bueller (M) - sneaky, slippery, youngest jarvey, related to Mollywobbles
- Maui (M) - handsome jarvey, v. good at tunneling and tumbling
Mollywobbles (F) - cuddly, jarvey mum of Ferret Bueller RIP Mollywobbles (d. Sep. 2103) - Rubeus (M) - a large, curious jarvey who loves treats
- Cersei (F) - a troublesome jarvey who likes to nip fingers
- Kenny (M) - a long jarvey, sniffs everyone and everything, says "oi oi oi" a lot
- Jolene (F) - a curious, slinky jarvey who does not like Alice
- Pretzel (F) - a flexible young, friendly, and cuddly jarvey