Thread: Bottle Bowler
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Old 08-24-2021, 10:48 PM   #31 (permalink)
The Chronicler
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Default Teddy with Aurora

Originally Posted by Krel Ansell View Post
...He leaned down to get one of the shrunken heads, when he straightened. He found Aurora there with a kiss. He laughed and smiled. He liked this new affectionate Aurora. It was different. His last girlfriend hadn't been the affectionate type and well, the PDA fight Aurora. "Awww... you'll get 'em next time." He told her as she missed. Then stepping up, he hurled the head down the alley, taking out five bottles and a vile. "You know, bowling is a lot easier with muggle bowling balls."
"But not as much fun, dearie," commented the next Shrunken Head Ball waiting in line.

Down at the other end of the alley, a series of fireworks burst up from the downed bottles and vial, exploding overhead in a shower of glitter.
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