Pit of Slugs  One of the less travelled corridors will eventually take you to perhaps the least popular place located in the dungeons. Looking forward, it appears that there is a flight of stairs at the end of the corridor. Indeed, there is. But as you get closer, you realize that there is a bit of an obstacle in your way. A small set of stairs leads you downward into a pit full of slugs, big and small. By the looks of it, this nasty infestation has been here for a very long time.
At this point, there are really only two options for you to choose from: either turn around and head back down the way you came or make friends with the sluggish residents of the pit and walk through the thick slime to get to the staircase beyond. Should you decide to do the latter, tread carefully unless you want to find yourself covered from head to toe in the lime green goo that covers the stone floor or adopt a number of slugs as hair accessories. On the plus side, at least you now know where to find an endless supply of slugs should you need them for Potions class.