SPOILER!!: the amigos!
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[lThe sky? Jas immediately looked up to check it out before smiling some more. He would've given a thumbs up status on it too, but his thumbs were helping keep his hotdog from falling to a terrible, tragic end. And even though he could always buy another if it did fall (money wasn't ever a problem), he was pretty determined to hold onto all his food. Hopefully Lisa got the thumbs up vibe anyway. "We're pretty special if it's shining just for us," here he nudged her with his elbow because he could do that WHILST holding onto his food. Like a boss. "Oh yeah, it was doing an opera number!" Being silly was in the DNA. Got that from his dad.
Jas was glad that she'd accepted his offer, he always meant it when he said these things. He knew some people offered things just to be nice, but he'd never say things he didn't mean. "Are you sure, we can go halfsies?" He had pocket money too! But Lisa was a total legend for offering. "They have funnel cake, did you see!?" It had Jasper's mouth WATERING. "What do you want though? I'm not picky." It was true. The boy was a vacuum.
Jas only realized Alfie had joined when he noticed Lisa looking his way. He was glad that Lisa beckoned him over to stand in line with them because he would've done the same. Alfie's a best friend. For sure. Pretty iconic. "Want some?" Of the nachos (because, again, the hotdog would be difficult to split). But aside from this (and a BIG smile in greeting), Jas let Lisa do the talking. She was good at that and he'd be perfectly content being on standby next to her whilst he listened to his friend talk about his summer.
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Alfie was glad that Jasper and Lisa welcomed him into their hangout. Not that he had ever worried they wouldn't. But, you know, it was always cool when someone who you were excited to see was also excited to see you. He grinned at Jasper when he offered him some nachos. "Sure!" And he took a cheese-covered chip right then and popped it in his mouth. He gave it a thumbs up in appreciation and then turned to Lisa when she asked him about his summer.
"It's good! Nothing very exciting, hanging out around home, seeing friends. How's your summer?" He directed that to both of them. He was interested in hearing about what both of them had been up to, if somebody with wizard family had a different summer and did more exciting things than him. And he was very interested in hearing if Jasper had done any fun quidditch things over the summer.
It was then that he remembered they were standing in line at a food booth. He stood on his tiptoes to try to look over the heads of the people in line in front of him to see the booth. "What is this line for anyway?" He hadn't even looked before joining them, he had been too excited about friends to pay attention to anything else.
Pretty special if it’s shinning for us?! That was so SO SWEEEEEET. She would have squealed and flailed her arms but she was lady Lisa now so she played it a little more toned down. “
Yeah, it’s pretty nifty,” she cried with a wiggle of eyebrows and a wink. It was nifty that the sun was just coming out for them. Must have known that they were here and needed the spotlight for all of them to see. Would the musical number start soon? Speaking of singing places, she giggled at his joke that the spot in queue had been singing for her as if it were an opera. “
Like the Phantom of the Opera… The phantom calls to Christine and bewitches her mind and soul!” She had just seen the Phantom of the Opera for the first time with her eldest brother and was unable to stop spewing facts or relating everything to that musical. “
Speaking of shows, if you’re free. You should come watch or audition!”
She picked up a nacho that was loaded in cheese. Ohohoho. The best nachos were the ones loaded in cheese and gooey deliciousness. Yum. Did she mean it? For anyone other than Jasper… maybe like a quarter of the way. But she had offered Jasper Botros this and he was awesome so… Yeah, she did mean it. Lisa nodded. “
Of courseeeee!” she sung out and nodded, looking ahead briefly at the desserts sign. Hmmmmm…. Not sure what to get just yet.
Fortunately Jasper had mentioned funnel cake and Lisa thought that sounded delicious. “
i didn’t see it but i can smell it. Funnel cake always smells goooooood. Do you like loads of powdered sugar on yours?” A good quirk to know before ordering. Not a deal breaker but Lisa loved the powdered sugar on top. The more sugar, the better.
She smiled as Alfie took a nacho and nodded as she listened to him regale them about his summer happenings. His summer sounded fun. Friends, home, and more- relaxing indeed. “
Ive had a similar summer to you too. Friends, home, siblings aaand I’ve been at a theatre summer camp. We’re putting on Beauty and the Beast. And I’m yours truly….. ah wait… i bet you’ll never guess who I am?” she challenged with a smirk on her lips. Spoiler alert: she wasn’t the beauty or the beast but Chip instead. However, she was curious to see what the boys would say.
Lisa turned to gaze up ahead when Alfie asked what the line was for. Uhh well she had assumed some type of dessert. “
I think funnel cake?” she wagered before looking over at Jas to confirm.