Jasper, of course, had food in his hands. Seeing him with food made her smile because that was Jasper. She swore she always found him with either football, a quidditch broom, or a baseball cap in hand. To his question on what is up, she beamed. “
The sky! It’s a beautiful day because the sun is shining for us!!” She giggled happily. She liked hanging with friends. ESPECIALLY FRIENDS THAT SAVED HER A SPOT IN LINE. “
Thanks. It has been calling my name. Did you hear it singing?” Okay so she hadn’t heard it singing buuuuut it was just so easy to be silly with Jasper. He was FUN!
The impromptu hangout got even better when he offered to SHARE HIS FOOD! The world did not deserve Jasper Amir Botros. ;______;
What a gentleman.
The nachos looked and smelled delicious. Delicious cheesy goodness.
Yummy! “
I was going to order the nachos. Thanks. We could split a dessert too? My treat. I have pocket money,” she beamed, fishing into her bright blue purse that hung at her waist. She took a nacho and scooped up chip and cheese. “
What do you want to eat? What’s our feast consist of?”
Before she heard Jasper’s reply, someone else was greeting them. She turned her gaze to find…. “
Alfie! Hi! Come join us!!” she beamed, shifting just a little closer to Jasper (hehe) to make room for Alfie. “
How’s your summer?
Impromptu hang out just got EVEN BETTER!