SPOILER!!: Matching shirts sounds about right. But would they stop there and would it be matching EVERYTHING?
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Maya would've preferred to stay in today - thanks to their parents' credit card and the internet, a rather large box of books was expected to be delivered today. She had been looking forward to watching the mailman drop the parcel off... then bring it inside... and then open it and get lost in them.
But when Lisa said she wanted to go to the Diagon Alley event, how was she supposed to say no? Once she got there, her eyes were as wide as saucers. Even though she had been at Hogwarts the last two years, seeing this stuff was new to her. Maya made sure she stayed close to her siblings so no one would get lost. With how crowded it was, she would not be surprised if they lost Lisa, though Evan had grown quite a bit so she was sure she would be able to find him.
When Maya heard the excited gasp come from the youngest Nam, she immediately focused her attention and saw the bumper cars. "Um... sure?" she replied to Evan with a slight shrug of her shoulders. She had a feeling if she said no, that wasn't an acceptable answer. And at least it wasn't her arm practically being ripped out of its socket by Lisa. She held onto Evan's hand, making sure she didn't get left behind. "Person who gets bumped the most buys ice cream afterwards," she added, a small smirk crossing her face.
With a better view of the bumper cars, she wondered what exactly made them magical - other than them hovering slightly above the ground. "Hey Lees, do you need help getting into one?" Quote:
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Rule Number 1 of hanging with the Youngest Nam: Never ever ever say no. Lisa had taught Noah this lesson from an early age causing the eldest Nam to be wrapped around his little sister's tiny pinky. Lisa had known it from a young age that her eldest brother was very compliant. It was his personality - sweet, kind Noah who didn't want to cause trouble or bend the rules too much. Unfortunately her brother did not come with them today (he had to work - EW) buuuuuut she still had Maya and Evan who were with her. Maya, like Noah, was much easier to convince of things; however, Evan was the strongest at resisting her ways
in reality - she just didn't know how to read her brother's deadpan face. He just gave her a deadpan expression and Lisa had yet to figure out just how EXACTLY to get past that.
Mark her words. She'd figure it out! Or so she swore to it on Dumbledore's polka dot stockings
... er.. Dumbledore didn't have polka dot stockings.
Tiny Tornado Nam finally gave up on wiggling Evan's arm spastically when ice cream was mentioned. She kind of just stopped and her eyes grew as wide as saucers at the proposal. Hehe. Excellent. "
I'm in! Ice cream it is. Deal!" she beamed and waited for their turn to get into the bumper car arena.
She was ever so slightly offended at the offer to help her get into a bumper car but once she eyed the cars one more time, she looked to Maya and nodded thrice. She meekly whispered. "
Yes, please but don't TELL anyone." Especially any of her friends. She didn't want to appear lame. She was just tiny and sometimes being small was a struggle.
What coloured Bumper Car do you want?"
Evan would have accepted the answer no, but it was no secret Lisa would not have. They didn't really exercise that word a lot with her anyways. It's not like she asked for a lot of super FAR FETCHED or dangerous things, so what did it really hurt to say yes to make her happy? Besides, most of the time they NEEDED to go do the things she wanted to do in order to get some of the Lisa energy out. It was truly for the sanity of all involved. Like bumper cars would probably tire her out at least a little. And then he could probably get both of them to agree to Food Stands for lemonade.
He squeezed her hand at the thank you for also agreeing, and considered her offer of bet. Ice cream had to be purchased by the winner? Well that was fine, Appa and Eomma had sent them with plenty. Did they need more sugar? Probably not. But this was like a fair, a fun event, so extra sugar was to be expected. Though they'd probably all be sick tomorrow.
"Is this how many times Nam siblings can hit each other or are we including hits by other patrons as well?" Because there was an adult in there looking like she was out for blood.
His arm was released from it's imprisonment from the smallest of them, and Evan rotated his shoulder once just to loosen it back up. It wasn't long before it was their turn, and he moved aside so Maya could help Lisa while he looked at the bumper cars.
"I don't mind on color. So you guys can choose first." He'd just climb into whatever was left over.