SPOILER!!: Go Go Super Kids!!
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Freckles aren't the only things that Jasper Amir Botros inherited from his baba! He also got Hassan's insatiable appetite. It was both a blessing and a curse... and the reason why the food stands were his first stops today.
After having spent a few minutes deciding between all the mouth-watering options, he finally decided on a hotdog (extra ketchup, extra relish, extra mustard) and a loaded plate of nachos - one item for each hand. So it was truly a testament to his athletic ability that he could hold both items whilst maneuvering his way around in search of the booth that sold the commemorative cups and fizzing lemonade.
But when he did find it, he expertly joined the back of the (long) queue. Oh man, this would take ages! Fortunately he had plenty to eat while he waited for the queue to move. Multitasking - Like! A! Pro!
Lisa had cooked up an appetite with all her exploring around the event so she followed her nose and ended up at the Food Stands. Mmmm... It smelled so good. Her eyes grew wide as she took in the site of all the options for food. She wanted to DEVOUR EVERYTHING. Where to start first? A hamburger or nachos? Or both plus dessert?
She began weaving in and around people because she couldn't really inspect the food just yet and she wanted to inspect it before purchasing something. Unfortunately she wasn't tall so she had to weave her way through the crowd to see what it was. She got onto her tippy toes and peered over another boy's head to see what the food was. "
Sorry.. Not cutting in the queue," she told him after deciding that she did want to get this scrumptious food. Lisa turned around and saw just how long the line went behind this boy.
Ever so briefly did the idea of befriending said boy cross her mind to get food quicker. However, that idea went out of her head COMPLETELY when she saw a one Jasper Botros.
FRIEND!! She wished she had her cape on. All thoughts of being older and sophisticated went out of her mind as she charged towards her friend fist out pretending to be a superhero. Even swooshy noises were made
because come on- who didn't like superheroes! until she got closer and realized that perhaps she was being a little too childish. How would V act? she thought and tried to straighten her posture. She was after all in a pretty sundress and had flowers in her hair.
She continued walking towards her friend and beamed widely when she got nearer. "
Super Jasper! Lisa Nam reporting for duty, my dude! I've missed you!" she blurted out and hugged him. She couldn't help it seeing Jasper just made her grin and be so silly. It was EASY to be silly around him AND REMY and Serena and OLLIE TOO - but mostly Jasper. He was just fun unlike Daniel and V who came off as somewhat oddly mature despite their bickering like an old married couple. Lisa then realized that they were in public and she was hu-hugging him. She gulped and flushed bright pink.
Her tummy felt really really weird and she didn't know why. She glanced at her pink converse shoes before looking up after a pause. Awkward Stitch wave. "
Hi Jasper... Mind if I join you?"