If Lisa had been like her RPer, she would have felt really bad about making Dustin self-conscious about his height and size. However, Lisa was not nice. She was direct and honest. She turned to glance at Ash with eyebrows raised. "
Why do you need a bodyguard? Are people after you? Are you really a fairy Princess that we must protect at all COSTS?" she asked curiously before eying her surroundings. Her father had bodyguards cause he worked in muggle government but Ash... Ash had bodyguards too? Interesting. She pouted, knowing that she should have known better. "
I know... I also wanted to meet Theodore.. No offence, Mr. Tall Person," she added and nearly fell over when Ash continued talking and mentioned his age.
She kept those thoughts in her mind but they cleared displayed on her face. She was not good at hiding pure shock when she wasn't thinking that she was acting. Oops?
Nice to meet you, Dustin... Sorry for calling you Tall Person but as you can see... I am... tiny," she explained logically as she reached her hand out to the older person to shake his hand. See? She could do the whole respect thing. "
Tiny but fierce. Lisa Nam."
Her eyes flicked to the prizes and nodded when Ash spoke. She really really wanted the Commemorative Wand because Ollivanders was her favourite shop; however, she knew the jersey would be the perfect gift for one of her friends. Jasper would love that and love her more for getting said shirt! Next time, he'd offer HER his jacket. Not that she was jealous. So jealousy reared its ugly head causing her to make. a decision. "
A Professional Jersey... I can give that to Jasper!" she exclaimed with a smile and her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.
What prize do you want?"