SPOILER!!: Lisa!
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The whole celebration event in Diagon Alley was AMAZING. She had tried games and more! She was having a complete ball. Of course, it got even more exciting when she discovered what came next.
Lisa *G A S P E D!* when she saw the Bumper Cars ahead of the Nam siblings and then turned to look at them. "Guys! Guys! We HAVE to go try the Bumper Cars," she bounced from foot to foot in her bright sparkly pink converse. Yes, she had traded in her gumboots (which had unfortunately gotten chewed out by the family dog) and thus had upgraded to her new converse. The footwear had to be pink. It was a Lisa Nam trademark.
She may have been twelve (and taller - she was now a whopping 4'10) which inherently meant she had to be oh so much more mature (psh... NAH not even!) but the sight of Bumper Cars made her go bananas. Maturity was thrown at the window. Lisa wanted to get to the front of the line. She impatiently tugged at one of her sibling's hands again. "Let's go!! Before the queue gets too long!" she cried as she waved her sibling's hand as if she were doing the wave with her whole body. She had yet to notice two friends already up in the queue already (V and Max) but once she realized it was them, she'd become even MORE excited.
Then again... perhaps she shouldn't have downed a whole bag of sweets before arriving at the celebration?
The Diagon Alley event was really cool. Evan had seen some people from school he probably would not have run into otherwise, and even met a few others. The food was also really good, and he found he was unable to stop himself from continually going back to the Food Stands in order to get a refill on his Fizzing Lemonade. Which he was getting low on, so he'd probably steal away to fill up the cup attached to his neck via lanyard after the next attraction.
Which... based on the loud noises from his youngest sister, she had now found what that attraction was going to be. Bumper cars? His body almost hurt now just thinking about it. And staring at people already enjoying the attraction, this one - like most magic events - had a twist on it. He nearly wanted to groan and bow out of the idea, but as per his usual he was powerless to say no to a sibling. Especially when Lisa was
this excited.
"Okay. Let's do the bumper cards. You in Maya?" He turned his attention to her.
He didn't have much time to wait for her reply though, before Lisa was TUGGING on his arm and waving it around. Luckily, he'd learned long ago the best protection for his body was to be a limp noodle for moments such as this. So there was no resistance from him. Though he could only imagine how silly they looked to onlookers, as he had also hit a growth spurt from end of term and beginning of summer and now sat at 5'6, with his tiny sister looking like a madman beside him. This was normal to him though. There wasn't even a flinch.
"Okay, okay. We'll go." And because he didn't want to lose Maya either, he reached back and attempted to grab her hand as well so that both were pulled along by the Tiny Tornado Nam.
"It doesn't look that bad yet though."