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He noticed the blush, but wasn't sure the reason for it. She had done the coolest thing last term, and taking out Poppy so quickly had probably saved the play so everyone could go out and do what they had all done best. Even after all of the fake panic, the actors had pulled it together beautifully and given a spectacular performance. Evan had been right proud of Lisa, and he appreciated this girl's actions to have made it all possible, as most had.
Evan considered asking if she would have done the same had it been someone else and not Lisa, but there was no point in asking that hypothetical so he just nodded in response to her words. "Well I know she really appreciated it, whether it's what you were supposed to do or not doesn't change how cool it was you did."
Hearing her introduction, he did manage to remember his manners and offer a hand to shake hers in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Serena. Lisa has mentioned you too." He just hadn't put two and two together. "How did you enjoy your first term at Hogwarts?" It was fairly docile compared to others.
He moved along a little bit more with her and found a suitable spot to set up shop. He hadn't really considered yet either what his design would be, but he had some time to figure it out. Maybe he'd do something Peter Pan? Or a cat in memory of the summer he finally was going to get one? Or Pascal or.... something. "Any ideas what you'll do on yours?"
Her cheeks felt hot and they wouldn't cool down on their own. What Evan said next didn't help. Although, it made Serena think. Like,
really think about the person she was becoming. Before Hogwarts she thought of herself as the EVIL SPAWN because she was so different from her family. She's an introvert and very serious at times. Whereas her family was full of bright extroverts. She was honest, which some people took as blunt or arrogant just because she didn't add a smile to everything she said. People said she was cold. It didn't bother her. Not much. Her daddy was just like that--maybe more stoic than she was--and that didn't stop him from being him. But maybe...just maybe...Serena hoped people would see her like they see her mum. And this, the thing with Poppy, caused people to look at her in a way she's never been looked at before.
It felt...alright.
"Thanks," Serena said, grabbing another toothpick. Hmm. Whether it was what she was supposed to do or not? The small redhead shook her head.
"I did it because it was Lisa." She had actually been on her way out of the auditorium, but then Ashley had yelled Lisa's name and all that ran through Serena's mind was to help her best friend.
Serena gave his hand a firm shake, and despite being serious, her mouth formed a small smile. She almost wondered why Lisa hadn't mentioned her before. But there it was.
"It was alright. I passed the survival test and I get to go back," she said matter-of-factly.
"I also made friends." And no enemies...that she knew of. There was Botros, but he wasn't an enemy. He was just...positive all the time.
Eyeing her clay mold, Serena inspected it when Evan asked if she had any ideas.
"I have several ideas. Maybe a flying horse or Sniffy the Niffler." Serena looked over at him. Did he know who Sniffy the Niffler was?
"It's a character in play my little brother adores." Just FYI.
"What about you?" she added after a pause. That's how conversations work, no? Back and forth questions?