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This had to be the most immature thing in the entire festival.
It was precisely why Max was standing in line, waiting for his turn to get inside a car. He would be turning thirteen in a few months' time, and then he would certainly be too old for these rides. He figured that he should make the most out of the last pre-teen summer he had, by doing as many childish things as possible.
So he waited, his blank expression making him look uninterested even though he was quite excited. He liked flying, and since the cars were floating, he thought it would be more fun than normal bumper cars. Hey, they would all be human Bludgers trying to hit one another! Just as the thought crossed his mind and a small smirk breached his lips, he realised that he recognised the person standing in front of him. Max did the first thing any extreme introvert would do in these situations - shifting slightly so that he was facing away from his classmate, he pulled his hat lower over his eyes and hoped that he would not be spoken to.
She felt someone get in line behind her, and soon she looked over her shoulder, realized she couldn't really tell who it was, and turned to her side so she could CASUALLY try to get a peek at if he was a familiar face or not.
V was disappointed to see it wasn't either of them, but instead a boy who was familiar.
"You won't be able to see where you're going if you keep your hat like that, you know," she said with a flip of her hair behind her shoulder. His hopes of not being spoken to weren't going well, but Victoria had not, at least, recognized him yet.