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Old 04-25-2020, 07:41 AM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default The Pride: Gryffindor Biographies

The Pride: Gryffindor Biography Thread

godric gryffindor. lion. fire. red and gold.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were
Prized far beyond the rest

Head of House: Headmaster Malachi Trent (DaniDiNardo)

House Ghost: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, a.k.a. Nearly-Headless Nick (Nearly Headless Nick)

H O U S E . . C U P

2050-2051, 2052-2053, 2053-2054, 2056-2057,
2057-2058, 2060-2061, 2066-2067, 2069-2070,
2073-2074, 2083-2084, 2084-2085, 2086-2087,
2087-88, 2092-2093, 2099-2100, 2100-2101

Q U I D D I T C H . . C U P

2063-2064, 2070-2071

G O B S T O N E S . . C U P

2065-2066, 2066-2067, 2078-2079, 2084-2085,
2089-2090, 2090-2091