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By looking at the amount of chocolate frog packages she bought, Daniel was certain that a few were going to drop from her arms. And it didn't take long before he was right. The Hufflepuff gazed down at the Slytherin as she began picking up the packages, noticing with delight that she turned bright red in the face.
"Why did you even buy that many if you can't even hold them?" Daniel asked before stepping over one of the packages (helping, what's that?) and began to place his order at the trolley. Once he had paid, the boy turned with two chocolate frog packages in his hands and nodded at a package beside V. "You missed that one" heh
V hadn't really
expected Daniel to help her, but she certainly thought the step OVER her as she picked up the escaped packages to be VERY rude, and she scoffed up at him.
"I was buying them to SHARE. I was even going to share with YOU, but I changed my mind now. Plus, you just bought your own," she managed to grab all of them and keep them in her arms.
She had the strong urge to kick him. Or throw a frog at him. But she withheld herself and merely glowered over at her year-mate. Did he know he was the worst Hufflepuff she knew? The worst SOON TO BE SECOND YEAR that she knew?!
But wait, she MISSED ONE? She looked down and as she tried to retrieve THAT one.......all of her chocolate frogs went tumbling down again.