The cane teetered when Jane bumped into it, but it quickly brought itself back upright. If the Ministry were to collapse right now, the two things left standing, would likely be that cane and the archway in the center of the room. "Jane!" Damian exclaimed in surprise, in the middle of a broom stroke. "To me." Calling to the cane, it zipped to the unspeakable's right hand, while letting the enchanted broom go about it's business unaided. "Not that I don't appreciate the gloomy atmosphere. It really sets a mood..But I've grown tired of working in a dusty mausoleum."
Cane in hand, he confidently climbed up the stairs. His bad leg wasn't giving him much trouble today. Thanks for asking. "How was your holiday?"
__________________ In over his head
Last edited by Helios Sunrider; 08-06-2021 at 04:21 AM.