And there was the call she had been waiting for. "Ooohhhhhh mmmmyyyyy." Rather than respond to the Headmaster, or focus on the growing panic all around her, Healer Poppy squared her shoulders, drew for her widest smile and side stepped them all. She had her own show to put on. "If you'll excuse me, it sounds as if I'm needed."
The healer maneuvered her way through the backstage crew and around to the main theatre area. "Oh dear, oh no, oh my!" She exclaimed, taking in the scene of unease. "I haven't the foggiest what you mean, dear," She replied to the blonde, the smile never faltering, "but I know just the way to take care of this. You'll see."
Reaching into her sack, she pulled forth some of her candles--the ones with the antidote. Naturally. "Let's get a few of these lit, take deeeeepppp breaths, Healer Poppy knows what to do." She held a few candles out for the students to take. "Come now, that's it. This will all be over." And she, the hero Hogwarts needed.
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