Divination LTA dream 2 Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein Cherry blossoms. The sky was a rainfall of cherry blossom petals, and he was content to perch underneath them, every so often brushing them off his jean clad legs. There was a picnic blanket underneath him. and a basket beside him. He reached out to open the basket, but before he even could he already knew everything that would be in there. Halmeoni always made sure to make Evan's favorites. And as the lid lifted, he could see this time had not been any different.
Closing the basket again, he leaned back, lifting his face towards the sky and closing his eyes for a minute, a content smile on his face. This was peaceful. This was exactly what he needed.
And then he heard his name, and the voice it came from was familiar and surprising and he bolted upright and saw her face before..
he woke up. And blinked at the top of his bed, slowly sitting himself up with a few more blinks. What... what? He reached for his dream journal, jotting down the contents of his dream in Korean. Fitting, given he recognized that he had been sitting in front of Seoul Tower. He was detailed with the dream, but left out the name of who had been there with him. Not out of secrecy but.. he already couldn't remember who it had been.
That was okay with him.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |