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Old 07-15-2021, 11:45 AM
The Chronicler The Chronicler is offline
Default Commemorative Coin Design Booth

Smoke emanates from a small portable furnace located behind this booth. As you make the approach, you notice a handful of humans and goblins surrounding a large table and adjacent forge.

Written on the table is a sign that says 'Design Your Own Custom Novelty Coin -- 1 Galleon'. Should you decide to do that, you'll be handed a clay mold to carve. Scattered across the table are several tools to help you with the carving - including toothpicks and mirror-reversed letter stamps. When you're done carving your coin design, hand it off to one of the goblins. You'll be able to return later to pick up your own personalized coin!

For those who are not feeling artistic, fear not. There are pre-made 600th Year Celebration coins available for purchase as well, each featuring a different building or view of the alley on the back. Not in the mood for a souvenir? Chat with one of several goblins or employees that are helping to run the booth. They probably won't bite.

While you're here don't forget to make a monetary donation. Gringotts employees have been putting together funds to help rebuild from the previous year. You can drop your spare sickles in the muggle-style piggy bank in the corner of the booth. It's even charmed to oink and thank you after receiving a donation.

The booth is manned by Colin Roderick (LilFox07) & the Gringotts Goblins