Ohhhhhh…… So was it okay to have different levels of friendliness and friendship with multiple people? She understood not having to be friends with everyone and not burning bridges- she was still far too new for that. Enemies or soon-to-be enemies were not helpful to her. Not at this point in time. She was still trying to evaluate the landscape at Hogwarts. “
So someone who is a sunshine friend?” she asked with a head tilt, vaguely remembering the conversation between her Eomma and Noah about sunshine friends that he had had at Illvermorny.
A bright smile emerged on her lips and she bounced back and forth from foot to foot. “
Okay! What … what do you like doing?” she asked first instead of saying what SHE liked to do. Lisa probably would have just suggested cookies upon cookies.
Misa had multiple best friends? Well that made sense! She was so cool

She bet that Ivy had to be the other one based on their dormitory interaction but she chose not to wager that guess especially if they had gone through a Mamie-Ash awkward sistermance break up. That was awkwaaaaard. “
He does have great hair. How does he do the swooshy swoosh thing with his hair? Does he use hair spray?” she asked, very curious about this now. She wasn’t usually too too focused on hair styles but she was impressed just how well Auggie and Kale’s hair fell so effortlessly. “
Flowers?” That was NOT what she was expecting. She had never seen him with flowers- just a broomstick.