07-15-2021, 11:45 AM
Make Your Own Fireworks Booth
At this booth, enjoyment can be found for children and adults alike. Make your own firework! On display are a variety of what may seem like random items taken from the three shops represented: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Cranville Quincey's Magical Junk Shop, and Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment. Creating your own firework will be a breeze and hopefully all will be able to enjoy these safely when the fireworks are displayed!
There are three steps in the process: Firstly, pick what material(s) will encompass what your firework looks like. This will be the vessel, or holder, of your firework before it goes KABOOM! Perhaps you want it to look like a wand, or maybe you've got a more interesting idea in mind. The possibilities are endless with all of the items on display! Then, pick what your firework will display as it explodes in the sky. What shape will the lights take? Someone working the booth will help with the magic involved in that if anyone needs assistance! Finally, the best part, pick what colors will display in the sky! Once you have finished all the steps, hand your product to any of the shopkeepers running the booth, and they will magic the firework together for you! Tada! All fireworks made will be displayed at the end of the grand event, so creativity is welcome! _____ OOC: Pick the vessel, what shape the firework will display, and the colors involved. Your firework may give a certain joke shop owner some inspiration... This booth is manned by Nicolas Couture (LilFox06), Ethan Howland (siriusblackliveson), and Randall Stavros (kayquilz).