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Ollie definitely thought she was alone, so when she heard someone call out to her, she was a bit spooked. She jumped a bit before turning to see what was approaching. She absolutely did not need a professor or perfect finding her flying outside of the pitch. No doubt would she lose house points and they weren't far behind Ravenclaw. Ollie wasn't super into points and stuff, but some of her housemates were and she didn't want to be a reason they were even further behind.
She was a relieved to see it was just Dahlia instead of someone else. The Ravenclaw seemed to be pretty cool and hopefully wouldn't give her a lecture on why she should be on the pitch instead. She just figured that if she was totally alone, she might be able to get it finally! "Oh, hi, Dahlia." She gave a small wave to the girl. "What are you doing out here?" She decided to avoid the broom question for now. Maybe the girl was just passing through the area and wouldn't question it further. But if she asked again, she knew she'd have to fess up, Ollie was terrible at lying.
Lia paused in her tracks when her calling out to greet the younger girl seemed to startle her. Sigh. Really? How did she keep doing this? Typically she had to actually try to startle someone. Lately she was doing nothing at all and startling everyone she was coming across. This was becoming some weird pattern she wasn't all too fond of. Crinkling up her nose a little she waited for Ollie to realize it was only her. No one scary here.
"Heading back from the barns. I sometimes come here to work on some spells I'm learning." Simple answer for a simple question.
"What about you? Going to do some flying?" If she was, the Whomping Willow probably wasn't the best place to be doing so. Unless she wanted a huge tree to try to knock her off of her broom while she was trying to fly around.