A Poop * k8 *
V wiiiiilted slightly, listening to Professor Recard talk. Wah wah, wah wah-wah, wah. Emmerson also made some good points....who WOULD want to marry a muggle? It seemed like a lot of work and a LOT of hassle. But then she remembered Lisa was a muggleborn, and Lisa's parents, though she hadn't met them, seemed very nice and kind and great. Better than her parents, even, in some ways.
Maybe it wasn't ALL bad, yeah?
But the assignment was totally not something V felt like doing, so she wrote all the names down in her notebook and began to doodle next to them, soon getting lost in the doodles and forgetting the assignment. It was only when she heard some mumbling from classmates nearby that she decided she ought to TRY to do the assignment.
So she opened her book and began to search for the answers. So many words. SO little time. SO little time...ugh. She wasn't done when Recard moved on, and it made her stomach flutter a little, in that "oh no, I'm getting lost" kind of way. Breath breath breath breath brea-
The Gaunt family? V was lucky she had seen that name in her book, and she knew the name from growing up with magical families, luckily. "They're related to Slytherin, right?"
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |