Orange team: two balloons popped Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
SCORE!! Her balloon had made impact. She was starting to think more and more that she should be a beater on the Quidditch team. She imagined it would get rid of a lot of stored up anger. Ahem… not that she had TOO much of that. Remy returned her attention to the balloons, and was trying to be as quick as possible especially since it seemed other students had chosen different coloured teams. Was she the only person on the orange team? How was that fair??
With this in mind, Remy popped two more orange balloons and was in the ZONE. So much in the zone, that she did not notice a balloon being thrown at her.
It was a bullseye and hit her right in the ankles. The Gryffindor looked up, scowling at the person responsible. Could they not see that she was a one man band here?? A sixth year was responsible!?!! Picking on a first year. Remy would remember this forever, Claudine.
__________________ who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream |