Ketchup!! Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Lisa had nodded along to SHOW that she was paying attention. Yes, active listening. She even SHUDDERED when V mentioned a sticking charm. Oh yes, that had been a visit to the Hospital Wing with Atlas Flamsteed. How events had turned rather quickly. First holding hands (this brought a blush to her cheeks and weird tummy feelings) and then they couldn’t unstick their hands!!!
But they had both survived to tell the tale.
Lisa was improving at stopping. Falling seemed scarier. After all, you are hurling yourself towards the grounds and potentially… KA BOOM! CRASSSSHING into the ground. She winced. Ouch. It sounded painful. She grabbed her right arm with her left and rubbed it gently as she listened. It was a habit to hide her nerves… She needed to ask Jasper about this after class and get more pointers.
After the instruction was given, she whipped her head around and glanced from side to side. Well… Was anyone not going to do the activity? She eyed the older students. She particularly didn’t want to do it buuut she didn’t want to be the only one sitting out. That was lame! Lisa had always been a victim of peer pressure- it was quite effective. They had to go up and fly. She could lift off the ground. Loosely gripping the broomstick, she willed herself off of the ground slowly and floated. Alright. No passing the net. She had no intention of passing it.
For right now, she’d stay at a nice slow pace which any highway driver would despise because she certainly was being the driver that went ten below the suggested speed limit. Her eyes were peeled for the balls. She slowly moved her way out of their direction before flying towards Claudine. “Hi!” she called out, raising her hand up into the air to wave and almost losing her balance. Maybe she’d wait on waving.
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