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Old 06-28-2021, 03:14 AM   #22 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Charlie Upstead
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurelio Kaiser
Third Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Ezekiel Ransom-Kruus
x12 x12
Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight

SPOILER!!: Individual Responses
SPOILER!!: Devin
Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Heads up? Devin tilted his head up towards the sky when he heard that direction, wondering what it was that he was supposed to be looking at. There was a pretty neat cloud. Was that what the professor wanted to show him? Or did the professor want him to notice the net that he presumed was some sort of safety device? His thoughts on clouds were abruptly interrupted when a ball hit him square in the chest. ”Ow!” Devin looked down to the ground where the ball had landed at his feet after hitting him. Oh. OH. That’s what the professor had meant. Catch the ball. Oops. Looked like he needed to get his head out of the clouds. Devin leaned down to pick up the ball and threw it back at the professor. He wasn’t very good at aiming though so the ball went considerably off course and a lack of power behind the throw gave it a rather short trajectory. There was a reason he preferred board games to sports games.

What was his least favorite part about flying? The answer to that was not easy. Not easy to openly talk about anyway. Flying class brought back memories to him of what should have been an innocent fun lesson turning to a horrific moment. A moment in which the very institution that he had trusted to protect and educate him and his peers had failed his classmates so very badly. The time when he witnessed his friends and classmates getting their brooms blown up beneath them with no care taken at all to ensure they wouldn’t be injured from the fall or worse. Seeing his peers treated so unfairly while he had been allowed to keep his broom really ruined flying for him. For him flying was something he mostly just did in lessons but some of the people who were deemed unworthy to fly needed to be on a broomstick just as much as they needed air in their lungs. Some of them were talented quidditch players. Some of them were enjoying the magic of being able to leave the ground behind them for the first time. Devin didn’t care as much about flying beyond it being just another class, and a decent way to get in some outdoor exercise. So what made him so much more “qualified” to be on a broomstick? The time of the people who had imposed those rules was past them now, but his bitterness for flying lessons and his memories of how it made him feel remained. How was he supposed to explain all of that? So, instead Devin opted to remain silent although the expression on his face likely revealed that he was deep in self-reflection.

Nothing? Well, alright, Kamran wouldn't push it. Even if Horton didn't look like he was thinking, he wouldn't have tried to draw an answer out of him. Not so long as he listened to instructions when the time came to actually fly, and took everything on board that was said before that moment.

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
“Morning.” Ash muttered in professor Kazmi’s general direction. It was not implied in her response that it was a GOOD morning... in fact it kinda implied the opposite. But Ash was pretty sure that it was the morning, which was why ‘morning’ was the perfect greeting. Because it was the morning, get it? Ha ha.

You know what else was funny? In an awful kind of way? The question. Her least favorite part of flying. What a cruel joke. Well, Ash refused to answer. Her answer had probably spread around the WHOLE ENTIRE CASTLE by now, and she wasn’t going to talk about it. It was nobody else’s business what she thought the worst part of flying was. She remained coldly silent, and pretended to be ‘deep in thought’ or whatever, which wasn’t very far from the truth. She also gave subtle nods to Heath and Claudine (her friends that she didn’t hate), so that they would think she was totally fine. That was... maybe a little bit more of a lie.

Life was a joke and she was the punchline, wasn’t that true? Internally, Ash was laughing at the irony of it all. But externally, she was ‘daydreaming’. She took extra care to look sad and unfocused, because that usually meant people would leave her alone. She wanted them all to leave her alone. Mostly so that she could keep doing her own thing, but also because most people were mean. She just wanted to get to the flying part of the lesson and leave the almost-crying part behind. It didn’t really seem like that would happen anytime soon though. Sigh.

Really, this question was as close to a free pass as the kids here were likely to get, given there were no wrong answers. But still some of them opted not to have a go. And still Kamran would not force it. His eyes passed over Fox and on to the next student.

SPOILER!!: Ezra's BFF aka Kinsay
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
After having selected two slices of bread for herself, Kins turned to give Mamie a small smile and a little wave before moving out of the way. She was a little surprised when Remy came to stand by her, but offered the younger Gryffindor a small smile too.

… Even though she still felt all sorts of guilty about what happened at the opening feast. Kins thought about that moment a whole lot. For reasons. In part because of what happened with Remy, but also because that’s where basically everything started between Ezra and Emm. Kinsay had a chance to stop the whoooole thing before it even started and because she didn’t, Ezra became Emm’s boyfriend. It was the start of so many terrible things. And Kinsay could have stopped it. She really, really could have.

But there’d be other times to fall down this spiral of thought because class was starting now and Kins usually liked what Mr. Kazmi had to say. Therefore, she’d pay attention. Emm would be really good at answering this question. Kinsay knew. But Kiz had answers too, so she raised her hand after taking a bite of bread. Which. Maybe wasn’t her best idea because she wasn’t done chewing when it came to her turn.

Trying to chew as quiiiiiiiiickly as possible (James kids are incessantly polite and it is so rude to speak with your mouth full), she held up her index finger and bounced around on her feet to signal that she was almost there. Please hold. Just one second. Please.

Almost there. Almost almost.

Okay! She was good now. ”Maybe they’re scared of heights.” Also. Could they learn how to fly magic carpets sometime too?

... Any second now. Any second. Really.

Kamran was about to good-naturedly tap his wrist to indicate that they really did need to get a move on, but James finally got there. He waited, half-expecting another question, especially given the delay, during which a dozen more questions might have occurred to her, but that didn't seem to be the case. He nodded instead. "Yes. A fairly common fear; I've taught a lot of students with such a problem. Not easily overcome, but many can grasp the basics regardless." The basics did not always require much height from the ground, so that much could be covered, at least. "Sometimes it might not be the height that's frightening, but what might happen at that height."

He didn't know, personally, and could only report on what he'd learnt over the years.

Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
Remy was pleased and relieved when Kinsay smiled back at her. She didn’t think the older student would do or say anything horrible to her, she didn’t seem like a bad person. Maybe their first meeting was just one of those ‘wrong place at the wrong time’ instances. Besides, it was the Gryffindor, Emmerson, that was the mean one.

The first year nodded as Professor Kazmi started the class, she could understand why not everyone would appreciate flying. Heights was an obvious answer, one that she had overcome for flying purposes. “Weather could play a part, but I guess you can spell the weather.” Remy trailed off. Well, some people, like her, didn’t know weather altering charms yet.

She noticed the bread a little later than everyone else, but she definitely didn’t fancy it today. Especially during physical sports, she’d probably throw up.

Gaeltheos raised a good point, and one that was applicable to today's lesson too. "Absolutely, and most people will have their own preferred weather conditions." It depended, as ever, on the person and the situation. "Rain, sleet, and high winds can be particularly irritating. Dangerous, too."

Yes. Safety first, and all that. "You can indeed spell the weather, but in most contexts, this doesn't happen, and it's not such an easy fix if you're flying to travel." As they could all tell, Kamran didn't bother changing the weather from the less favourable conditions in his lessons; it would serve them to learn in all weathers. The only time he'd made such adjustments was that one awful year he'd had a class of very young ankle-biters students.

SPOILER!!: Violet
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
Violet had been enjoying the rain as she approached Flying Class (which she did not enjoy), when she was surprised by Professor Kazmi's thrown ball. Caught unawares, she was too late to catch it and it seemed to whizz right toward the center of her forehead for a few moments. But it missed and passed by her by several inches (or was it charmed to do that, she wondered) and sailed past her to land against a tree. Muttering to herself, Violet trotted over to retrieve it and then awkwardly threw it back to Kazmi, just barely landing it within his reach. "Sorry," she blushed, as she continued into the class area with her familiar school broom.

Then class started with a question--about what people don't like about flying. Well, Violet should be an expert on that. "What do I dislike most about flying?" she said when it was her turn. "Falling, that's what. And I think that's why a lot of people choose not to fly most of the time--if someone is not very good at it, they're afraid they might fall off or run into something and hurt themselves."

Kamran nodded when Blackthorne spoke, to confirm the question, and waited for an answer. An answer which, though it was no laughing matter, elicited a rare and subtle smile from the flying instructor. "I would have to agree with you. Fear of falling is a very big factor in why many people steer clear of flying." Which also tied into what James had offered her answer, the fear of heights. While for many people, just being high up was enough to trigger a fear reaction on its own, for many others it seemed to be the threat of suddenly falling from such a height. Factor in also that you were trusting a skinny strip of wood to keep you up in the air, and your own balance, and it was no wonder some avoided brooms like the plague. "Hold that thought just a moment, Miss Blackthorne."

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Why did some people not like flying? A fear of heights was the first one that popped into Ivy's mind, but Kinsay had already covered it. That was a pretty common fear a lot of people had, so it made sense. But there were other reasons to not like flying too.

She raised her hand. "If someone's had a bad experience in the past with flying, they might avoid it forever after that because it reminds them of that experience." Like if they'd fallen off or been injured or...other bad things from not very long ago that she didn't want to talk about. Those things hadn't ruined her enjoyment of flying, but she had no desire to bring those memories up for herself or the other students either.

Kamran nodded along with this answer, particularly pleased with it as, as well as being applicable to flying, it could be applied to other contexts instead. "Absolutely, I've known many people in this exact situation." In flying, and in life too. Sometimes the avoidance was not exactly due to a specific event, but general fear, though Grimm had spoken more of bad experiences. "It's worth noting, in such situations, that if you have a bad experience like a fall or an injury, the sooner you get back into it the less likely it is that avoidance coping will take over. A few seconds of courage can make all the difference." This was why Kamran always encouraged his students to get right back on the broom after a tumble, and with minimal fussing over them, beyond ensuring they were not injured.

Really. All the difference.

SPOILER!!: Claudine
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Claudine's attention went Kazmi’s way though the balls floating away had her gazing at them for a while. Okay, so flying wasn’t exactly at the top of the list of things that Claudine would do for recreation. She simply liked it as it provided a challenge for her and like Kazmi said, it was a good skill to have. It turned out that she wasn’t half bad at flying as she thought she may have been.

The Slytherin raised her hand. “Stopping… braking…” Whatever you wanted to call it.. “Sometimes an obstacle just pops out in front of you unexpectedly. You either panic and not react, react while panicking and not being able to perform the braking technique correctly...either way, you can wind up crashing.” Kazmi would remember Claudine’s disastrous braking attempts during previous lessons.

The corners of Kamran's mouth twitched, a tendency of his when students pulled in points or events from previous lessons. He could appreciate that, especially as Blaze was referring to a circumstance of her own, and how it all linked together.

"Panicking, crashing, even being nervous about potential obstacles, all reasons why someone might be hesitant to fly." Kamran nodded. "And a reminder that we learn to how to handle these obstacles in order to ultimately make flying easier, and less daunting. Good, Miss Blaze."

SPOILER!!: Mamie
Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Margaret grinned back at Kinsay and quickly grabbed one piece of cinnamon bread when it was her turn, stuffing it in her mouth almost immediately and following to stand by the Gryffindors. She frowned as Kazmi started talking about people not liking flying. That was nonsense. Flying was amazing. She loved everything about it, except having to stop.

Oh. And bugs.

She raised her hand once she'd finished her piece of bread. "Bugs," she said calmly. "I don't like swallowing bugs." She didn't really like them hitting her glasses, either, but what could you do?

Kamran nodded solemnly. Swallowing bugs was most un-fun. He might have replied that nobody particularly liked it, before he realised that that was probably not entirely true. One of the Flamsteeds had had a bit of a bug-eating problem in a previous lesson, but Kamran was not going to single him out right now.

"Definitely. There are charms you can place around your nose and mouth on days that the bugs are particularly problematic, but often these can be more hindrance than help. Best to get used to flying with your mouth closed-" And diving especially, just saying. "-and learn to withstand the sting when they hit you in the face."

Maybe it was easier, but they didn't need magic for everything.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Reflexes, eh? V wondered if she even HAD those. Maybe she did, though, because she found she that she wasn't really that clumsy, and that proooobably meant her reflexes with non-sporty things were maybe okay.

She would SEE.

But class was starting, and she didn't immediately see Lisa, Alfie, or even DANIEL...Serena, Remy, Ollie...hmm.

They had to be here, but Flying was also a little crowded. Mixed classes and such.

She raised her hand as he asked his first question. OH THERE WAS REMY. Victoria waved at her excitedly, noting that a lot of people mentioned fear being a component of their dislike of flying. She could totally see that, yeah. "I think my lease favorite part of flying is that it how well it goes depends on the person flying. If you're not a good flier, your experience will be baaaaaad. It all depends on YOU!" she nodded. ALSO MAGIC CARPETS ALWAYS SOUNDED SO COOL AND VICTORIA WOULD DEFINITELY OWN ONE WHEN SHE WAS OLDER.

It was legal, right? She couldn't remember. And she also couldn't remember EVER swallowing a bug while flying. "Do you fly with your mouth OPEN, Margaret?" she asked with a look at the Hufflepuff as if she thought Mamie was CRAZY even.

Kamran squinted just ever so slightly, untangling this answer. If he didn't know any better, he'd have said it sounded like Gellar's least favourite part of flying was... responsibility. In a sense. Responsibility for one's own skills and their resulting experience.

He couldn't pull her up on it, of course. He'd asked a question and she'd answered it, and couldn't be wrong for her opinions and least-favourites. Maybe they'd, uh, circle back around to that way of thinking eventually.

Kamran did interject at that last part, however, noting Gellar's expression and tone and wishing to avoid judgement and conflict for at least a few more minutes. "It happens," he pointed out, perfectly calm. "Sometimes you don't realise you're doing it, or maybe you need to communicate with someone else while in the air, or maybe you just can't breathe through your nose, for whatever reason. Just one of those things."

SPOILER!!: Heath
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath’s mood instantly brightened when Claudine appeared. Well, this was different! Usually he was the one to say hi to her first. “Hi, you,” he whispered, giving her the same greeting she always gave him, but there was little time for small talk.

Class was starting, and he turned his attention to Professor Kazmi as he spoke. He almost smiled when the man said flying wasn’t for everyone. That was so true! Frankly, he didn’t love flying. He’d gained some confidence in the subject, so he didn’t hate it like he used to. And he certainly agreed that it was important to learn - which was why he didn’t drop flying class. It just wasn’t his favorite. He considered the question. Personally, his reasons for disliking flying had more to do with his fear of heights in general than the actual broom flying itself, but that was one of the first things said.

Not wanting to be repetitive, he racked his brains for other reasons one might hate flying. He supposed some people might not like the uncertainty involved in flying. You never knew what was going to happen when you got on a broom, so there was a lot of potential for mistakes. That suddenly gave him an idea, and his hand shot up. “This isn’t my least favorite thing about flying,” he said, “but some people may dislike it because it’s not like recalling facts and figures in other classes. It isn’t something you can just read about and be instantly good at. It takes lots of practice and lots of mistakes, and failure frustrates some people.” Did that make any sense?

As Jones began, Kamran nodded once to show he he understood that this was not a personal answer. And then again, in agreement. "I think you're spot on there. While it is useful to know some things in theory before getting onto a broom, the majority of learning is done in practice, up in the air. Those who prefer to research and consult books before delving into practical learning will struggle, and probably dislike flying as a result." All this to say that yes, he was following. Books had their place, but there was only so far they could take a person in certain subjects. There was simply no parallel to getting on a broom and learning by doing, no matter what a person's preferred learning style was.

"Failure can be incredibly frustrating, another valid point. Thank you, Mr Jones." That could even work as a nice segue, as a matter of fact. Maybe. Sort of.

Once it seemed that everyone who was willing to answer had had their chance - and after one last scan of the students' faces to see if there was anyone who seemed like they wanted to speak, but hadn't - Kamran took the cue to move things along.

"You've all raised some very good, very valid points." Very useful points, all filed away for future reference, clues on which part of the curriculum needed most attention. "I'd like to just go back to Miss Blackthorne's answer. Falling." No doubt there were a few in this class who already didn't like where this was going, that statement in tandem with the net above them, but that was fine. Mostly fine. It would more than likely be fine. "Falling, especially from a height, is often a major concern in flying. This is particularly true for beginners, but even experienced flyers are not infallible. An awareness and healthy concern about falling is often what will keep you aware of what you're doing while up in the air." He did not need to go into the kind of accidents that happened when students ignored the danger of falling and acted like they were invulnerable when on a broom. Spoiler alert: they weren't.

... Maybe he did need to go into that. Time would tell.

"In an ideal world, falling would be a non-issue, but these things do happen and there's no point pretending otherwise. Instead, we learn how to handle it." Kamran studied the faces of the students, looking for the dawning realisation, seeking out fear where he thought he was most likely to see it. "My question to you is this: how can we prevent falling in the first place? Or, if it happens anyway, what can we do to minimise the danger, stop the fall, or prevent a catastrophic meeting with the ground?" Too much? No? No, he didn't think so either.

Anyway, in case more scope was necessary. "Remember, flying happens in many different contexts - weather, height, speed, and reasons for flying can make a different - so consider that what might work well in one environment may be extremely difficult in another. If you'd like to build on someone else's answer, keep this in mind."

OOC: Your character can answer either or both of the questions. If you're struggling to think of an answer that's not been said, your character can also build on a previous answer by applying it to different conditions, and considering what might work better. I'll be moving us on in around 24 hours.
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